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Brunow, Dagmar, Prof. Dr.ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0003-0068-8063
Alternative names
Biography [eng]

I am professor of film studies at Linnaeus University, Sweden, where I am also part of the Linnaeus University Center for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS).

My research centres on archives and audiovisual heritage, transmediation, cultural memory, documentary filmmaking as well as feminist and queer experimental filmmaking and video practice.

Biography [swe]

Jag är professor i filmvetenskap vid LNU. 2016 anställdes jag som lektor, 2019 blev jag utnämnd till docent. Mina forskningsintressen är: film och kulturellt minne, filmarkiv och kulturarv, digitalisering av filmarvet, dokumentär- och essäfilm, videokollektiv och deras historia, experimentfilm, queerfilm och feministiskt filmskapande.

Vid LNU tillhör jag spetsforskningsgruppen LNUC Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) och ingår i ledningsgruppen.

Publications (10 of 175) Show all publications
Brunow, D. (2024). Archiving queer audiovisual heritage: collaborating with care. In: : . Paper presented at The International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA), 55th annual IASA conference at the La Nau Cultural Center of the University of Valencia, Spain, 23-26 September 2024.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Archiving queer audiovisual heritage: collaborating with care
2024 (English)Conference paper, Oral presentation only (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Contribution to a panel on global queer archiving.

Film - heritage - archives - audiovisual archives - queer filmmaking - historiography - digital humanities
National Category
Studies on Film
Research subject
Humanities, Film Studies
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-133303 (URN)
The International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA), 55th annual IASA conference at the La Nau Cultural Center of the University of Valencia, Spain, 23-26 September 2024
Swedish Research Council, 2577
Available from: 2024-11-12 Created: 2024-11-12 Last updated: 2024-11-18Bibliographically approved
Brunow, D. (2024). Digitale Methoden und Ambivalenzen von Un_Sichtbarkeit. Frauen und Film (72), 123-127
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Digitale Methoden und Ambivalenzen von Un_Sichtbarkeit
2024 (German)In: Frauen und Film, ISSN 03437736, no 72, p. 123-127Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Berlin: AvivA Verlag, 2024
Film, heritage, archives, audiovisual archives, feminist filmmaking, historiography, digital humanities, Filmerbe, feministisch, Frauen, Filmgeschichte, Filmhistoriographie, Digital Humanities, filmarv, filmhistoria, filmbransch, kvinnor, postkolonial, digital humanities, digitalisering
National Category
Studies on Film
Research subject
Humanities, Film Studies
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-132990 (URN)
Swedish Research Council
Available from: 2024-10-15 Created: 2024-10-15 Last updated: 2025-01-29Bibliographically approved
Brunow, D. (2024). Feministisches Archivieren als Care-Arbeit: bildwechsel.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Feministisches Archivieren als Care-Arbeit: bildwechsel
2024 (German)Other (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

Artikeln undersöker vilka former av "care-in-practice" vi kan hitta i mindre arkivprojekt som det feministiska konstnärsprojektet bildwechsel i Hamburg. Detta 'care'-arbete riskerar att gå förlorat när samlingar överförs från mindre arkiv till stora kulturarvsinstitutioner.

bildwechsel, archive, care, cultural heritage, feminist art, bildwechsel, arkiv, care, kulturarv, feministisk konst
National Category
Visual Arts Studies on Film
Research subject
Humanities, Art science; Humanities, Film Studies; Humanities, Visual Culture
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-128094 (URN)
Swedish Research Council
Available from: 2024-03-03 Created: 2024-03-03 Last updated: 2024-05-07Bibliographically approved
Brunow, D. (2024). Flickan i frack – en queer klassiker. Svensk filmdatabas
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Flickan i frack – en queer klassiker
2024 (Swedish)Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Abstract [sv]

Att stumfilmen Flickan i frack har blivit en självklar del av Sveriges filmarv råder det ingen tvekan om. Inte minst queerfilmsfestivaler världen över uppmärksammar den. Men vilken var filmens samtida kulturella kontext? Kan Hjalmar Bergman inspirerats av den tillåtande atmosfären i Berlin när han skrev berättelsen? Och vad gör filmen så intressant för en queer publik idag?

Place, publisher, year, pages
Svensk filmdatabas, 2024
Flickan i frack, Karin Sylwan, queerfilm, stumfilm, crossdressing
National Category
Studies on Film
Research subject
Humanities, Film Studies
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-127436 (URN)
Swedish Research Council
Available from: 2024-02-02 Created: 2024-02-02 Last updated: 2024-05-07Bibliographically approved
Brunow, D. (Ed.). (2024). Frauen und Film: Archive (72ed.). Berlin: Aviva Verlag
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Frauen und Film: Archive
2024 (German)Collection (editor) (Refereed)
Abstract [de]

Im Jubiläumsjahr widmet sich das aktuelle Heft der Archivierung und damit den Praxen des Sammelns, Katalogisierens und Kuratierens.

Gerade für die feministische Filmtheorie und Geschichtsschreibung waren die Archiv-Diskussionen der 1980er Jahre von entscheidender Bedeutung: Die (Wieder-)Entdeckung der Filmarbeit von Frauen in der Filmgeschichte führte zu Neuformulierungen theoretischer Positionen. Zugleich stellten sich auch Fragen nach dem Status zeitgenössischer Filmarbeit seit der zweiten Frauenbewegung: Wie prekär ist der Status der vorhandenen Kopien von oftmals auf 16mm produzierten Filmen von Frauen? Sind diese Filme, die zum Teil die Theoriebildung beeinflusst haben, überhaupt noch auffindbar bzw. zu projizieren? Wer – wenn überhaupt – kümmert sich um deren Restaurierung und Bewahrung, wenn im Fokus weitgehend die »Meisterwerke« männlicher Regisseure stehen?


Hinzu kommt die unsichere Situation des Filmerbes der Filmkulturen des globalen Südens, die wiederum dazu einlädt, Filmgeschichtsschreibung anders zu denken. Die Beiträge eröffnen queer-feministische Perspektiven z.B. auf künstlerische Recherche und Selbstarchivierung, Filmgeschichtsschreibung, Praktiken des Kuratierens, koloniales Kino, Amateurfilm, Black Feminist Futurity, digitale Methodenund Videokunst.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Berlin: Aviva Verlag, 2024. p. 190 Edition: 72
Film - heritage - archives - audiovisual archives - feminist filmmaking - historiography - digital humanities, Filmerbe - feministisch - Frauen - Filmgeschichte - Filmhistoriographie - Digital Humanities, filmarv - filmhistoria - filmbransch - kvinnor - postkolonial - digital humanities - digitalisering
National Category
Studies on Film
Research subject
Humanities, Film Studies
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-133002 (URN)978-3-949302-25-1 (ISBN)
Available from: 2024-10-15 Created: 2024-10-15 Last updated: 2024-10-30Bibliographically approved
Brunow, D. (2024). Lost in Collaboration?: Archival Ethics of Care.. In: : . Paper presented at The International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA), 55th annual IASA conference from at the La Nau Cultural Center of the University of Valencia, Spain, 23-26 September, 2024.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Lost in Collaboration?: Archival Ethics of Care.
2024 (English)Conference paper, Oral presentation only (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

What happens when LGBTQIA+ grassroot, minor, or community archives decide to collaborate with national audiovisual archives? In an attempt to safeguard LGBTQIA+ collections in a sustainable manner, to preserve analogue films, or to reach out to wider audiences via online platforms, minor archives are nonetheless facing risks around collaborations, in terms of archival ethics of care (Brunow 2024) and around the ambivalence of visibility. Examples would be the ‘un-unboxing’ and ‘unqueering’ of collections with regards to catalogue terms and metadata, and of “naming, shaming, framing” (Brunow 2018). One of the primary risks of these collaborations lies in the potential erasure of the specific (sub)cultural and historical contexts of LGBTQIA+ materials. National audiovisual archives may prioritize standard cataloging terms and metadata that do not adequately reflect the identities and experiences represented in queer collections. This can result in the loss of nuance and the flattening of diverse narratives within the LGBTQIA+ community. Presenting results from my current research project “The Lost Heritage: Improving Collaborations between Digital Film Archives (Swedish Research Council, 2021-2024), this paper points at the risks around such collaborations and discusses how they might be overcome.

Film - heritage - archives - audiovisual archives - metadata - historiography
National Category
Studies on Film
Research subject
Humanities, Film Studies
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-133302 (URN)
The International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA), 55th annual IASA conference from at the La Nau Cultural Center of the University of Valencia, Spain, 23-26 September, 2024
Swedish Research Council, 2577
Available from: 2024-11-12 Created: 2024-11-12 Last updated: 2024-11-18Bibliographically approved
Brunow, D. (2024). Neben der Kamera: Zsóka Nestler. Wien
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Neben der Kamera: Zsóka Nestler
2024 (German)Other, Exhibition catalogue (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Abstract [sv]

Publikation med anledning av retrospektiven "Nicht versöhnt. Der Dokumentarfilmemacher Peter Nestler", Zeughauskino Berlin 24. Mai - 20. Juli 2024

Place, publisher, year, pages
Wien: , 2024. p. 7-10
Jugend ohne Film
Zsóka Nestler, Peter Nestler, dokumentärfilm
National Category
Humanities and the Arts Studies on Film
Research subject
Humanities, Film Studies
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-129793 (URN)
Swedish Research Council, 2577

Publikation med anledning av retrospektiven "Nicht versöhnt. Der Dokumentarfilmemacher Peter Nestler", Zeughauskino Berlin 24. Mai - 20. Juli 2024

Ej belagd 240619

Available from: 2024-05-31 Created: 2024-05-31 Last updated: 2024-06-19Bibliographically approved
Brunow, D. & Manns, U. (2024). The ambivalence of visibility: Recognizing LGBTQ+ lives in the archive. In: : . Paper presented at MSA Nordic Biannual Conference 2024, “The Art of Conviviality”, Malmö University, Sweden, October 24–26, 2024.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>The ambivalence of visibility: Recognizing LGBTQ+ lives in the archive
2024 (English)Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Refereed)
Film - heritage - archives - audiovisual archives - queer - heritage - historiography - digital humanities
National Category
Studies on Film
Research subject
Humanities, Film Studies
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-133304 (URN)
MSA Nordic Biannual Conference 2024, “The Art of Conviviality”, Malmö University, Sweden, October 24–26, 2024
Swedish Research Council, 2577

Medverkan ej belagd 241118

Available from: 2024-11-12 Created: 2024-11-12 Last updated: 2024-11-18Bibliographically approved
Brunow, D. (2024). ‘Transmediating Audiovisual Memory: Activating an Archive of Possibilities through the Photofilm’ (Sirkka-Liisa Konttinen’s "Byker", Amber Films, UK 1983). In: Presented at Theories and practices of intermediality today: An International and Interdisciplinary Workshop, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, March 14-15, 2024: . Paper presented at Theories and practices of intermediality today: An International and Interdisciplinary Workshop, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, March 14-15, 2024.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>‘Transmediating Audiovisual Memory: Activating an Archive of Possibilities through the Photofilm’ (Sirkka-Liisa Konttinen’s "Byker", Amber Films, UK 1983)
2024 (English)In: Presented at Theories and practices of intermediality today: An International and Interdisciplinary Workshop, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, March 14-15, 2024, 2024Conference paper, Oral presentation only (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

The ‘photofilm’ (Hámos, Pratschke, Tode 2010), a film based essentially on photographs, can be conceptualized as a mnemonic tool and as a mobile archive. Just like an archive, a photofilm isboth a source and a producer of knowledge. And just like an archive, a photofilm is a performative act of remembrance negotiating visual evidence and contextual frameworks (Hall1984). Evoking the “umbilical relationship” between photography and film (Schmid 2019), the photo-film enacts an intermedial encounter that allows us to see a medium ‘otherwise’ (Hallas2023). In its self-reflexive take the photofilm raises questions about the positioning of thephotographer/filmmaker, about auteurism and self-adaptation (Mousavi 2021), about cinematic self-reflexivity, movement/stillness (Mulvey 2006) about temporality, as well as about ontologyand performativity (Azoulay 2008, Edwards 2012, 2020). This talk will look at the processes oftransmediation (Elleström 2020) at work in the photo-film. Mobilizing an intermedial perspectiveon the reuse of photography in documentary filmmaking, I argue, can help us conceptualise the photo-film as a mnemonic tool and a mobile archive. How do instances of media transformationand media representation (Elleström) contribute to creating an audiovisual archive of possibilities?

My theoretical objects for this talk will be works by filmmaker and photographer Sirkka-LiisaKonttinen from the Newcastle-based Amber film and photo collective around the urban redevelopment of Newcastle’s working-class district of Byker (Roe 2007, Leggott 2020. Konttinen’s transmedia artworks portray, explore, and curate a dynamic audiovisual archive that is constantly in the making: an urban archive in becoming, an audiovisual archive of possibilities.

Sirkka-Liisa Konttinen, intermediality, transmediation, Lars Elleström, memory, archive, photo-film, Newcastle, Byker
National Category
Studies on Film Visual Arts
Research subject
Humanities, Film Studies
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-128303 (URN)
Theories and practices of intermediality today: An International and Interdisciplinary Workshop, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK, March 14-15, 2024
Available from: 2024-03-17 Created: 2024-03-17 Last updated: 2024-11-12Bibliographically approved
Brunow, D. (2023). Archiving for the Future, but Forgetting the Past?: Digitizing European Film Heritage and its Pitfalls.. In: : . Paper presented at 29th International Conference of Europeanists – The Environment of Democracy. Council for European Studies, University of Iceland | Reykjavik, Iceland June 27-29, 2023..
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Archiving for the Future, but Forgetting the Past?: Digitizing European Film Heritage and its Pitfalls.
2023 (English)Conference paper, Oral presentation only (Refereed)
archive - heritage - audiovisual heritage - memory - sustainability, filmarv - kulturarv - arkiv - hållbarhet
National Category
Studies on Film History
Research subject
Computer and Information Sciences Computer Science, Information Systems; Humanities, History; Humanities, Film Studies
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-123843 (URN)
29th International Conference of Europeanists – The Environment of Democracy. Council for European Studies, University of Iceland | Reykjavik, Iceland June 27-29, 2023.
Swedish Research Council, 2577
Available from: 2023-08-22 Created: 2023-08-22 Last updated: 2024-03-25Bibliographically approved
The Lost Heritage: Improving Collaborations between Digital Film Archives [2020-02250_VR]; Linnaeus University; Publications
Brunow, D. (2024). Archiving queer audiovisual heritage: collaborating with care. In: : . Paper presented at The International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA), 55th annual IASA conference at the La Nau Cultural Center of the University of Valencia, Spain, 23-26 September 2024. Brunow, D. (2024). Digitale Methoden und Ambivalenzen von Un_Sichtbarkeit. Frauen und Film (72), 123-127Brunow, D. (2024). Editorial. Frauen und Film (72), 5-6Brunow, D. (2024). Feministisches Archivieren als Care-Arbeit: bildwechsel. Brunow, D. (2024). Flickan i frack – en queer klassiker. Svensk filmdatabasBrunow, D. (Ed.). (2024). Frauen und Film: Archive (72ed.). Berlin: Aviva VerlagBrunow, D. (2024). Lost in Collaboration?: Archival Ethics of Care.. In: : . Paper presented at The International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA), 55th annual IASA conference from at the La Nau Cultural Center of the University of Valencia, Spain, 23-26 September, 2024. Brunow, D. (2024). Neben der Kamera: Zsóka Nestler. WienBrunow, D. & Manns, U. (2024). The ambivalence of visibility: Recognizing LGBTQ+ lives in the archive. In: : . Paper presented at MSA Nordic Biannual Conference 2024, “The Art of Conviviality”, Malmö University, Sweden, October 24–26, 2024. Brunow, D. (2023). Archiving for the Future, but Forgetting the Past?: Digitizing European Film Heritage and its Pitfalls.. In: : . Paper presented at 29th International Conference of Europeanists – The Environment of Democracy. Council for European Studies, University of Iceland | Reykjavik, Iceland June 27-29, 2023..
ORCID iD: ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0003-0068-8063

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