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Torpsten, Ann-ChristinORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0002-5882-4112
Publications (10 of 86) Show all publications
Eek-Karlsson, L., Berggren, J. & Torpsten, A.-C. (2023). Beating Around the Bush – Swedish Schoolgirls’ Coping Strategies and Impact Processes of Sexual Harassment. Sexuality & Culture, 27, 415-434
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Beating Around the Bush – Swedish Schoolgirls’ Coping Strategies and Impact Processes of Sexual Harassment
2023 (English)In: Sexuality & Culture, ISSN 1095-5143, E-ISSN 1936-4822, Vol. 27, p. 415-434Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The aim of this study is to contribute knowledge about Swedish school girls’ perspectives of sexual harassment and their relations to peers when exposed to violence in terms of sexual harassment, both online and offline. The empirical data was collected through pair interviews where 28 girls participated. The theoretical framework was based on coping strategies that people use when facing stressful situations. The transcribed empirical data was read and interpreted based on what appeared to be important and decisive related to the theoretical framework. The found strategies are divided into three main categories, namely, problem-focused behavioural strategies, emotion-focused cognitive strategies, and emotion-focused behavioural strategies. The results show that the girls use different strategies depending on if the harassment occurs online or offline and if the perpetrator is known or unknown. Problem-focused cognitive strategies are used due to the specific context. Emotion-focused cognitive strategies are foremost used if the perpetrator is a known friend.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Springer, 2023
Sexual harassment, secondary school, Sexuella trakasserier, gymnasieskolan, högstadiet
National Category
Research subject
Pedagogics and Educational Sciences; Pedagogics and Educational Sciences, Education
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-116504 (URN)10.1007/s12119-022-10019-1 (DOI)000855600100003 ()2-s2.0-85138331098 (Scopus ID)
Linnaeus University
Available from: 2022-09-22 Created: 2022-09-22 Last updated: 2023-05-10Bibliographically approved
Berggren, J. & Torpsten, A.-C. (2021). Då, nu och sen - nyanlända elever i gymnasieskolans introduktionsprogram (1ed.). In: Hans Hägerdal, Gudrun Svensson, Ann-Christin Torpsten (Ed.), Translanguaging and Disciplinary Language in the Individual, at School and in Society: ett särtryck ur HumaNetten 45,2020. Linnaeus University Press
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Då, nu och sen - nyanlända elever i gymnasieskolans introduktionsprogram
2021 (Swedish)In: Translanguaging and Disciplinary Language in the Individual, at School and in Society: ett särtryck ur HumaNetten 45,2020 / [ed] Hans Hägerdal, Gudrun Svensson, Ann-Christin Torpsten, Linnaeus University Press , 2021, 1Chapter in book (Refereed)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Linnaeus University Press, 2021 Edition: 1
National Category
Educational Sciences
Research subject
Pedagogics and Educational Sciences, Education; Pedagogics and Educational Sciences; Humanities, Swedish as a Second Language
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-101789 (URN)978-91-89283-45-9 (ISBN)978-91-89283-46-6 (ISBN)

Also published in Humanetten, issue 45, 2020

Available from: 2021-03-29 Created: 2021-03-29 Last updated: 2023-03-23Bibliographically approved
Berggren, J., Torpsten, A.-C. & Järkestig Berggren, U. (2021). Education is my passport: experiences of institutional obstacles among immigrant youth in the Swedish upper secondary educational system. Journal of Youth Studies (3), 340-354
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Education is my passport: experiences of institutional obstacles among immigrant youth in the Swedish upper secondary educational system
2021 (English)In: Journal of Youth Studies, ISSN 1367-6261, E-ISSN 1469-9680, no 3, p. 340-354Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

In recent years, educational systems in Europe have experienced a rise in the number of immigrant youth. The experiences of immigrant youth facingthe challenges of an unfamiliar educational system is of continuous relevance in youth studies. This article aims to explore the schooling experiencesof 19 immigrant youth in Sweden, focusing on the institutional obstacles they encounter as students in the national educational system. It draws onsemi-structured interviews with immigrant youth attending upper secondary school or preparing for it by taking transitional classes. Findings are thatfamiliarity with the majority culture, how the educational system works and how to use the majority language for learning purposes in Swedenconstitute crucial knowledge for progress in upper secondary education. However, immigrant students state they have not been adequatelyprepared for these demands in their transitional classes. The authors suggest acknowledging students’ cultural backgrounds and argue for allowingEnglish parallel to Swedish as a transnational language of communication during a transition period, thereby improving students’ chances of havingtheir embodied cultural capital validated in the upper secondary school system.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Taylor & Francis Group, 2021
National Category
Social Work Educational Sciences
Research subject
Pedagogics and Educational Sciences; Social Sciences, Social Work
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-92181 (URN)10.1080/13676261.2020.1728239 (DOI)000514129300001 ()2-s2.0-85079383096 (Scopus ID)2020 (Local ID)2020 (Archive number)2020 (OAI)
Available from: 2020-02-18 Created: 2020-02-18 Last updated: 2023-03-23Bibliographically approved
Hägerdal, H., Svensson, G. & Torpsten, A.-C. (Eds.). (2021). Translanguaging and Disciplinary Language in the Individual, at School and in Society: ett särtryck ur HumaNetten 45, 2020. Växjö: Linnaeus University Press
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Translanguaging and Disciplinary Language in the Individual, at School and in Society: ett särtryck ur HumaNetten 45, 2020
2021 (English)Collection (editor) (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

The present volume draws on translanguaging and disciplinary language from seven studies that link to international contexts of language use, namely, to the countries of Cyprus, Estonia, Pakistan and Sweden. It spans different home environments as well as a variety of school stages from pre-school to university andadult education. The different perspectives relate, for example, to mothers' concern to maintain their children's mother tongue, teachers' concern to implement and apply translanguaging and students' concern about multilingual education. The articles reflect contemporary society with its distinguishing features of globalization and multiculturalism.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Växjö: Linnaeus University Press, 2021. p. 226
translanguaging, education, multi-cultural classroom
National Category
General Language Studies and Linguistics Educational Sciences
Research subject
Humanities; Pedagogics and Educational Sciences
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-108266 (URN)9789189283459 (ISBN)
Available from: 2021-11-26 Created: 2021-11-26 Last updated: 2023-03-23Bibliographically approved
Svensson, G. & Torpsten, A.-C. (2021). Translanguaging and Disciplinary Language in the Individual, at School and in Society: Foreword (1ed.). In: Hans Hägerdal, Gudrun Svensson, Ann-Christin Torpsten (Ed.), Translanguaging and Disciplinary Language in the Individual, at School and in Society: ett särtryck ur HumaNetten 45,2020 (pp. 5-10). Växjö: Linnaeus University Press
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Translanguaging and Disciplinary Language in the Individual, at School and in Society: Foreword
2021 (English)In: Translanguaging and Disciplinary Language in the Individual, at School and in Society: ett särtryck ur HumaNetten 45,2020 / [ed] Hans Hägerdal, Gudrun Svensson, Ann-Christin Torpsten, Växjö: Linnaeus University Press , 2021, 1, p. 5-10Chapter in book (Other academic)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Växjö: Linnaeus University Press, 2021 Edition: 1
translanguaging, society, individual, school
National Category
Languages and Literature
Research subject
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-101448 (URN)9789189283459 (ISBN)

Also published in Humanetten, issue 45, 2020


Available from: 2021-03-03 Created: 2021-03-03 Last updated: 2024-01-25Bibliographically approved
Berggren, J. & Torpsten, A.-C. (2020). Då, nu och sen – nyanlända elever i gymnasieskolans introduktionsprogram. HumaNetten (45), 102-128
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Då, nu och sen – nyanlända elever i gymnasieskolans introduktionsprogram
2020 (Swedish)In: HumaNetten, E-ISSN 1403-2279, no 45, p. 102-128Article in journal (Other academic) Published
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Växjö: Lnu Press, 2020
National Category
Educational Sciences
Research subject
Pedagogics and Educational Sciences
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-100575 (URN)10.15626/hn.20204505 (DOI)
Available from: 2021-01-26 Created: 2021-01-26 Last updated: 2023-03-23Bibliographically approved
Hägerdal, H., Svensson, G., Torpsten, A.-C., Posti, P. K. & Forsgren, P. (Eds.). (2020). Humanetten: Nummer 45 Hösten 2020. Växjö: Linnaeus University Press
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Humanetten: Nummer 45 Hösten 2020
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2020 (Swedish)Collection (editor) (Refereed)
Abstract [sv]

I dessa onormala tider fortsätter universitetet oförtrutet sitt uppdrag, att tillhandahålla meningsfull utbildning samt kritisk och innovativ forskning. Linnéuniversitetet har skilt sig från flera andra lärosäten genom att under Coronapandemin fortfa rande erbjuda viss campusundervisning. Hur detta kommer att utvecklas återstår att se; i takt med att fler aktiviteter sker på nätet har nya uppslagsrika lösningar tagits fram för att garantera studenterna en god kunskapsinhämtning och meningsfull kommunikation.

Kommunikation är också temat för det första av de bägge teman som inryms i detta nummer av HumaNetten . Temat ”Translanguaging and Disciplinary Language in the Individual, at School and in Society” har redigerats av Gudrun Svensson, Fakulteten för konst och humaniora och Ann- Christin Torpsten, Fakulteten för samhällsvetenskaper, Linnéuniversitetet. Transspråkande handlar om användningen av språket i flerspråkiga kontexter och de sju bidragen behandlar både empiriska och mer teoretiska aspekter av det ta. Temat förklaras närmare av de bägge gästredaktörerna i ett separat förord.

Det andra temat i föreliggande nummer har en mer lokal prägel. Piia Posti och Peter Forsgren, litteraturvetare vid Linnéuniversitetet har redigerat en samling betraktelser över litteratur i Småland. Frågor som ställs här är om det verkligen finns en distinkt ’småländsk’ litteratur och vad som i så fall har betingat dess utformning. Olika aspekter av dessa frågor lyfts fram i inte mindre än tretton essäer om både kända och något mindre bekanta litterära namn. Även här förklaras temat i större detalj í ett förord av de bägge gästredaktörerna.

I övrigt bjuder detta nummer på artiklar om så skilda teman som äktenskap i den muslimska världen, Vi på Saltkråkan och digitala redskap för språkinlärning. Vi tackar alla bidragsgivare som har gjort detta julnummer av HumaNetten till en mångsidig och uppslagsrik läsupplevelse.

För redaktionens räkning

Hans Hägerdal

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Växjö: Linnaeus University Press, 2020. p. 449
Humanetten, ISSN 1403-2279 ; 45
National Category
Languages and Literature
Research subject
Humanities; Humanities, Comparative literature
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-101437 (URN)

Editor of journal special issue

Available from: 2021-03-02 Created: 2021-03-02 Last updated: 2024-03-26Bibliographically approved
Eek-Karlsson, L., Lundin, M. & Torpsten, A.-C. (2020). Likabehandlingsarbete — en reproduktion av rådande maktordning?. Educare (2), 49-73
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Likabehandlingsarbete — en reproduktion av rådande maktordning?
2020 (Swedish)In: Educare, ISSN 1653-1868, E-ISSN 2004-5190, no 2, p. 49-73Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

 This project sets out to examine how schools identify their assignment to make school to a place of equality. The research questions address how efforts to counteract discrimination regarding sexual orientation, gender and ethnicity are expressed as well as what power structures that can be identified in this respect. In total, 134 documents from compulsory school in municipalities in southern, mid and northern Sweden are collected. The documents are analyzed using Kumashiro´s (2002) four perspectives to conceptualize and work against oppression. The analysis shows different ways that schools address this assignment. Differences regarding what is identified as problems seems to build different approaches in how the work against oppression becomes visible. Double strategies are described in order to both strengthen and challenge the power structure that is prevalent between the norm carrying group and the group the schools identify as marginalized. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Malmö: Malmö universitet, 2020
Social justice, Equality, Kumashiro, Educational perspectives, Sexual identity, Gender, Ethnicity.
National Category
Educational Sciences
Research subject
Pedagogics and Educational Sciences
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-93230 (URN)10.24834/educare.2020.2.3 (DOI)
Available from: 2020-04-01 Created: 2020-04-01 Last updated: 2023-03-28Bibliographically approved
Torpsten, A.-C. (2019). It is important to build on their knowledge: Teachers' approaches to newly-arrived immigrant pupils. In: Bala Nikku (Ed.), Social Work Education: (pp. 1-13). London: IntechOpen
Open this publication in new window or tab >>It is important to build on their knowledge: Teachers' approaches to newly-arrived immigrant pupils
2019 (English)In: Social Work Education / [ed] Bala Nikku, London: IntechOpen , 2019, , p. 13p. 1-13Chapter in book (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

This study aims to contribute to the school social work practices in a Swedish context. By capturing the life worlds of newly-arrived students and problematizing teachers’ approaches to these pupils underlying competences and continued knowledge development and learning I suggests how social work and education professionals can navigate these life worlds and empower young immigrant pupils in Swedish school.

Theoretical basis consists of translanguaging, principles and ideas about education valuing underlying competencies and seeing them as means for further learning in all areas. Through an ecological (Kramsch, 2008) approach to learning and teaching I examine teachers’ told experiences of teaching in the secondary school program of language introduction in a Swedish context. The analysis shows that the interviewed teachers systematically try to make use of the pupils’ prior knowledge and experiences of instruction. The pupils work in language groups in order to complete assignments.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
London: IntechOpen, 2019. p. 13
Translanguaging, language instruction, education, learning, underlying knowledge
National Category
Educational Sciences
Research subject
Education, Social Pedagogy
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-90088 (URN)10.5772/intechopen.89510 (DOI)978-1-83880-475-6 (ISBN)978-1-83880-474-9 (ISBN)
Available from: 2019-11-14 Created: 2019-11-14 Last updated: 2024-02-16Bibliographically approved
Berggren, J. & Torpsten, A.-C. (2019). Knowledge I brought with me could not be used, it was not in Swedish. In: : . Paper presented at Translanguage in the Individual, at School and in society, 11/4-12/4 2019, Linnéuniversitetet, Växjö.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Knowledge I brought with me could not be used, it was not in Swedish
2019 (English)Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

In recent years the Swedish education system has experienced a rise in the number of newly arrived students speaking different languages and with different school backgrounds. A newly arrived student is according to school legislation (Skollagen, 2010:800) a student under 18 years of age, who has migrated to Sweden lacking basic skills in the Swedish language.

This paper aims to shed light on a group of newly arrived students’ perspectives on conditions for learning in the Swedish upper secondary education system. Using Bourdieu’s concept of capital we critically discuss organisational and pedagogical responses in the education system as experienced by 19 newly arrived students.

Findings indicate that students’ performances using Swedish for academic purposes and being able to analyse Swedish culture are crucial skills. Simultaneously, unsuccessful students have to remain in Language introduction focusing on learning Swedish. Some students show resistance to current demands in mainstream teaching, which can be traced in students who resent not being able to make use of their previous learning and skills in different languages without using Swedish. As individuals, they are left with an experience of deficit, having no or little knowledge about Swedish culture and language. This is expressed by one student saying that sometimes knowledge from her native country cannot be used because it is in another language and that subject teaching often stipulates knowledge about Swedish history and Swedish kings.

At stake is newly arrived students’ educational careers, and their chances in society. “Education is my passport”, one student says. The authors argue for acknowledging students’ various language knowledge and cultural backgrounds in teaching, thereby improving students’ opportunities to receive recognition of their existing cultural capital while offering them a gateway to continued education and social inclusion.

National Category
Educational Sciences
Research subject
Pedagogics and Educational Sciences
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-81987 (URN)
Translanguage in the Individual, at School and in society, 11/4-12/4 2019, Linnéuniversitetet, Växjö
Available from: 2019-04-16 Created: 2019-04-16 Last updated: 2020-01-27Bibliographically approved
ORCID iD: ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0002-5882-4112

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