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Hameed, Mahmood
Publications (10 of 40) Show all publications
Hameed, M. & Al-Douhji, Z. (2013). The Possibility of Manufacturing Medium Density Fiber board (MDF) from Cotton Seeds hulls as a Waste by-Product of Cotton Oil and Determination of its chemical Properties. Minia Journal of Agricultural Research and Development, 33(1), 201-218
Open this publication in new window or tab >>The Possibility of Manufacturing Medium Density Fiber board (MDF) from Cotton Seeds hulls as a Waste by-Product of Cotton Oil and Determination of its chemical Properties
2013 (Arabic)In: Minia Journal of Agricultural Research and Development, ISSN 1110-0257, Vol. 33, no 1, p. 201-218Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

This research has demonstrated the possibility of manufacturing models of Medium Density Fiber board (MDF)   from Cotton Seeds hulls as a Waste by-Product of Cotton with good Chemical Specifications comply with European specifications EN (DIN1999). Decrease in the average ability of models wood panels manufactured Medium Density Fiber board (MDF) of Cotton Seeds hulls to Formaldehyde release with the increasing Proportion of formaldehyde scavenger used, therefore the models containing 2% formaldehyde scavenger enjoy high-health quality. All models wood panels manufactured Medium Density Fiber board (MDF) of Cotton Seeds hulls characterized with good chemical specification (Formaldehyde release) Comply with European specifications EN (DIN1999) and enjoid a good health quality.  

Medium Density Fiber Board (MDF), Cotton Seeds hulls, Waste by-Product of Cotton Oil, chemical Properties
National Category
Wood Science
Research subject
Technology (byts ev till Engineering), Forestry and Wood Technology
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-41501 (URN)
Available from: 2015-03-31 Created: 2015-03-31 Last updated: 2015-04-15Bibliographically approved
Hameed, M. & Al-Douhji, Z. (2013). The Possibility of Manufacturing Medium Density Fiber board (MDF) from Cotton Seeds hulls as a Waste by-Product of Cotton Oil and Determination of its mechanical Properties. Minia Journal of Agricultural Research and Development, 33(1), 243-260
Open this publication in new window or tab >>The Possibility of Manufacturing Medium Density Fiber board (MDF) from Cotton Seeds hulls as a Waste by-Product of Cotton Oil and Determination of its mechanical Properties
2013 (Arabic)In: Minia Journal of Agricultural Research and Development, ISSN 1110-0257, Vol. 33, no 1, p. 243-260Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

 This research has demonstrated for the first time the possibility of manufacturing models of Medium Density Fiber board (MDF)   from Cotton Seeds hulls as a Waste by-Product of Cotton with good mechanical Specifications comply with European specifications EN (DIN1999). A steady increase in the rates of resistance of models wood panels manufactured Medium Density Fiber board (MDF) of cotton seeds hulls with Static Binding Strength of the increasing of Proportion of each the glue used, harder and formaldehyde scavenger used. All models wood panels manufactured Medium Density Fiber board (MDF) Seeds hulls, which glued with 14% characterized  with bad mechanical specification dont Comply with European standards for technical quality EN (DIN1999) and must be excluded.  All models wood panels manufactured Medium Density Fiber board (MDF) of Seeds hulls, which glued with 16% and 18% characterized with good mechanical Specifications Comply with European standards specifications, while the models glued with 18% characterized with soperior mechanical specifications for high technical quality, making it very good for the manufacture of furniture and coating halls. 

Medium Density Fiber Board (MDF), Cotton Seeds hulls, Waste by-Product of Cotton Oil, mechanical Properties
National Category
Wood Science
Research subject
Technology (byts ev till Engineering), Forestry and Wood Technology
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-41499 (URN)
Available from: 2015-03-31 Created: 2015-03-31 Last updated: 2015-04-15Bibliographically approved
Hameed, M. & Al-Douhji, Z. (2013). The Possibility of Manufacturing Medium Density Fiber board (MDF) from Cotton Seeds hulls as a Waste by-Product of Cotton Oil and Determination of its physical Properties. Minia Journal of Agricultural Research and Development, 33(1), 219-242
Open this publication in new window or tab >>The Possibility of Manufacturing Medium Density Fiber board (MDF) from Cotton Seeds hulls as a Waste by-Product of Cotton Oil and Determination of its physical Properties
2013 (Arabic)In: Minia Journal of Agricultural Research and Development, ISSN 1110-0257, Vol. 33, no 1, p. 219-242Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

This research has demonstrated for the first time the possibility of manufacturing models of Medium Density Fiber board (MDF)   from Cotton Seeds hulls as a Waste by-Product of Cotton with good physical Specifications comply with European specifications EN (DIN1999).  Decrease in the average ability of models wood panels manufactured Medium Density Fiber board (MDF) of Seeds hulls to water absorption and the Cross-Swilling after 24h with the increasing Proportion of each the glue used, harder and formaldehyde scavenger used.  All models wood panels manufactured Medium Density Fiber board (MDF) Seeds hulls, which glued with 14% characterized  with bad physical specification dont Comply with European standards for technical quality EN (DIN1999) and must be excluded.  All models wood panels manufactured Medium Density Fiber board (MDF) of Seeds hulls, which glued with 16% and 18% characterized with good physical Specifications Comply with European standards specifications, while the models glued with 18% characterized with soperior physical specifications for high technical quality, making it very good for the manufacture of furniture and coating halls. 

Medium Density Fiber board (MDF), Cotton Seeds hulls, by-Product of Cotton Oil, physical Properties
National Category
Wood Science
Research subject
Technology (byts ev till Engineering), Forestry and Wood Technology
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-41498 (URN)
Available from: 2015-03-31 Created: 2015-03-31 Last updated: 2015-04-15Bibliographically approved
Hameed, M. (2012). Forestry and Forest Nersery (Text-book) (1ed.). Damascus-Syria: Damascus University Press
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Forestry and Forest Nersery (Text-book)
2012 (Arabic)Book (Other academic)
Abstract [ar]



مقدمة.......................................................... .........................17

الفصل الأول: علم الحراج Forestry.............................................19

-علم الحراج (الغابات) و علاقته بالعلوم الأخرى..................................19

-أنواع الغابات و المجموعات الشجرية.............................................23

*الغابات الطبيعية....................................................................23

*الغابات الصناعية..................................................................25

-فوائد الغابات.......................................................................26

-أنواع الغابات في العالم...........................................................31

-مساحة الغابات والاستهلاك العالمي من الأخشاب.............................33

-الموارد الشجرية في سورية و لبنان و فلسطين و الأردن.......................37

-تقسيم المجاميع الشجرية والغابات: .............................................41

*من حيث التركيبُ و الحالة.......................................................41

*من حيث العمرُ...................................................................42

*من حيث الإدارةُ والمعاملةُ........................................................42

*من حيث التوزيع الجغرافي.........................................................42

*من حيث الهدف....................................................................42


الفصل الثاني: علم تصنيف الأشجار وتوزيعها الجغرافي Dendrology.....43

-تعريف علم تصنيف الأشجار و توزيعها الجغرافي..............................43

-موقع الأشجار في التقسيم النباتي................................................43

*أنواع النباتات الخشبية............................................................43

*التقسيم النباتي للأشجار و موقعها ضمن المملكة النباتية.....................44

-المعايير المستخدمة في التعرف إلى الأنواع الخشبية.........................45

-تصنيف معراة البذور (المخروطيات) Gymnosperm: الرتب ، أهم الفصائل ، أهم الأجناس ، أهم الأنواع........................................................45

*رتبة الصنوبريات Pinales ، فصيلة الصنوبريات Pinaceae: جنس الصنوبر Pinus L. ، جنس الأرز Cedrus Link. ، جنس الشوح Abies L. ، جنس التنوب Picea A. Dictr.. .....................................................46

*رتبة السرويات Cupressales ، فصيلة السرويات Cupressaceae: جنس السرو Cupressus L. ، جنس العرعر Juniperus L. ، جنس العفص Biota Endl. ، فصيلة Taxodiaceae: جنس السيكويا Sequoia L.. .............52

-تصنيف مستورات البذور (عريضات الأوراق) Angiosperm: الرتب ، أهم الفصائل ، أهم الأجناس ، أهم الأنواع..............................................56

*رتبة المغنوليات Magnoliales ، الفصيلة الغارية Lauraceae: حنس الغار Laurus L. .........................................................................57

*رتبة Urticales ، فصيلة Ulmaceae: جنس الأولم Ulmus L. ، جنس الميس Celtis L. ، الفصيلة التوتية Moraceae: جنس التوت Morus L. ، جنس الماكلورة Maclura Nutt. ، جنس التين Ficus L.. ....................57

*رتبة الجوزيات Juglandales ، فصيلة الجوزيات Juglandaceae: جنس الجوز Juglans L. ، جنس البيكان Carya Nutt.. ..........................60

*رتبة الزانيات Fagales ، الفصيلة الزانية Fagaceae: جنس الكستناء Castanea Adans ، جنس السنديان Quercus L. ، جنس الزان Fagus L. ، الفصيلة البيتولية Betulaceae: جنس النغث Alnus L. ، جنس الشرد Carpinus L. ، جنس الصلع Ostrya ، جنس البندق Corylus .............61

*رتبة Casuarinales ، فصيلة Casuarinaceae: جنس الكازورينا Casuarina Rumph. ............................................................67

*رتبة Malvales ، فصيلة Sterculiaceae: جنس البرختيتون Brachychiton. ....................................................................68

*رتبة Violales ، فصيلة Tamaricaceae: جنس الطرفاء (الإثل) Tamarix.............................................................................69

*رتبة الصفصافيات Salicales ، الفصيلة الصفصافية Salicaceae: جنس الصفصاف Salix Tour. ، جنس الحور Populus L.. .......................70

*رتبة العجرميات Ericales ، الفصيلة العجرمية Ericaceae: جنس العجرم Erica. ...............................................................................73

*رتبة Ebenales ، فصيلة العبهر Styracaceae: جنس العبهر Styrax...74

*رتبة الورديات Rosales ، فصيلة Platanaceae: جنس الدلب Platanus ، الفصيلة الوردية Rosaceae: جنس الإجاص Pirus L. ، جنس الغبيراء Sorbus L. ، جنس الزعرور Crataegus L. ، جنس الخوخ Prunus L. ، جنس اللوز Amygdalus  ، جنس البلان Porerium L.  ....................75

*رتبة البقوليات Leguminales ، فصيلة Mimosaceae: جنس الطلح Acacia Willd. ، جنس الغاف Prosopis L. ، فصيلة Cesalpiniaceae: جنس الخرنوب Ceratonia L. ، جنس Gleditsia L. ، جنس خف الجمل Bauhinia L. ، جنس Poinciana L. ، جنس Parkinsonia L.. الفصيلة الفراشية Papilionaceae: جنس المسكة Robinia L. ، جنس Sophora L. ، جنس الوزال Spartium L. ، جنس الجربان Calyctome Link. ..........80

*رتبة الآسيات Myrtales ، الفصيلة الآسية Myrtaceae: جنس الآس Myrtus L. ، جنس Eucalyptus. ..............................................87

*رتبة Proteales ، الفصيلة الزيزفونية Elaeagnaceae: جنس الزيزفون Elaeagnus. .......................................................................89

*رتبة Rhamnales ، فصيلة Rhamnaceae: جنس Rhamnus L. ، جنس Paluirus Juss. ، جنس Zizyphus Juss.. .................................90

*رتبة Sapindales ، فصيلة Anacardiaceae: جنس البطم Pistacia L. ، جنس السماق Rhus L. ، جنس Schinus L. ، فصيلة Aceraceae: جنس القيقب Acer L. ، فصيلة Simaroubaceae: جنس لسان الطير Ailanthus ، فصيلة Meliaceae: جنس الإزدرخت Melia. ................................92

* رتبة Gentianales ، فصيلة Apocynaceae : جنس Nerium و رتبة Lamiales ، فصيلة Verbenaceae: جنس Lippia L.. ....................97

*رتبة Scrophulariales ، فصيلة Bignoniaceae: جنس Catalpa Guss. ، جنس Jacaranda Juss.. .....................................................98

*رتبة Oleales ، الفصيلة الزيتونية Oleaceae: جنس الزيتون Olea L. ، جنس الدردار Fraxinus L. ، جنس الزرود Phillyrea L. ، جنس تمر حنا Ligustrum. ..................................................................99-102


الفصل الثالث: بيئة الغابات Forest Ecology  .............................103

-تعريف بيئة الغابات................................................................103

- تأثير العوامل المناخية والأرضية والطبوغرافية والحيوية في النبت الحراجي..103

- تأثير العوامل المناخية Climatic Factors...................................103

-تأثير العوامل الأرضية Edaphic Factors....................................107

- تأثير العوامل الطبوغرافية Topographical Factors .....................108

- تأثير العوامل الحيوية Biological  Factors................................110

-تأثيرات المجموعات الشجرية في الوسط.........................................112

-تأثير المجموعات الشجرية في الظروف المناخية و الأرضية و الفيزيوغرافية.112

-العوامل الخضرية..................................................................114

-الإشعاع الشمسي و الضوء.......................................................115

-الحرارة الجوية......................................................................116

حركة الرياح..........................................................................117

-الرطوبة الجوية.....................................................................118

-العوامل الطبوغرافية و توزع النبت الحراجي في سورية..........................118

-التعاقب الحراجي وتدهور الغابات Forestry successionلقثيشفهىationession and Forest detiruration  سوريال الساحلية____________________________________________________________________.....................121

-تعريف التعاقب الحراجي..........................................................121

-أنواع التعاقب الحراجي: ..........................................................121

*التعاقب الأولي.....................................................................121

*التعاقب الثانوي.....................................................................122

*التعاقب التقدمي....................................................................124

*التعاقب التراجعي..................................................................124

-أسباب تدهور النبت الحراجي...............................................124-126


الفصل الرابع: تنمية الأشجار الحراجية وتربيتها وتحسينها Silviculture...127

- علم تنمية الأشجار وتربيتها وأهدافه الميدانية...................................127

-طرق إكثار الأشجار الخشبية.....................................................128

*طريقة الغابات العالية..............................................................128

*الطريقة الجمية.....................................................................128

-أهم طرق التنمية لمجاميع الأشجار و الغابات..................................128

*طريقة القطع الكامل مع التكاثر الطبيعي........................................128

*طريقة الشجرة البذرية..............................................................129

*طريقة الانتخاب....................................................................130

*طريقة الغابة الوقائية...............................................................130

*طريقة الغابة الجمية...............................................................131

-عمليات القطع......................................................................131

-عمليات القطع المتوسطة..........................................................132

-التربية و التنمية وجودة الخشب............................................135-146


الفصل الخامس: إدارة الغابات واستغلالها Forest Management and Forest Exploitation.........................................................147

-تعريف إدارة الغابات...............................................................147

-جودة الموقع و الإدارة.............................................................148


-جداول المحصول..................................................................151


-استغلال الحراج (الغابات) .......................................................154

-تعريف استغلال الحراج (الغابات) ...............................................154

-تخطيط استغلال الغابة............................................................154

*الاستقصاء الأولي للغابة..........................................................154

*وضع خطة الاستغلال.............................................................158

-تقانات (مراحل) استغلال الغابة............................................159-164


الفصل السادس: المشاتل الحراجية والتشجير   Forest Nurseries and Afforestation  .................................................................165

-تعريف علم المشاتل الحراجية.....................................................165

-تعريف المشتل الحراجي...........................................................165

-أنواع المشاتل الحراجية............................................................165

-تأسيس المشتل الحراجي...........................................................166

-إنتاج الغراس الحراجية.............................................................168

-التشجير الحراجي Afforestation .............................................173

-أنواع التشجير الحراجي............................................................173

-مصدات الرياح.....................................................................173

*التأثير الموضعي لمصدات الرياح................................................174

*أنواع مصدات الرياح..............................................................175

-إعادة استزراع منطقة بالأشجار Reforestation .............................175

-تجديد المجموعة الشجرية.........................................................175

-الإكثار الصناعي للأشجار الحراجية.............................................176

-موقع مصدر البذور................................................................177

-كمية البذور اللازمة................................................................177

-كثافة التشجير......................................................................178

-إستراتيجيات التشجير في المناطق الجافة.................................178-184


الفصل السابع: علم الأخشاب و الصناعات الخشبية Wood Science and Wood Industries.............................................................185

-تعريف علم الأخشاب..............................................................185

-تعريف الخشب.....................................................................185

- أنواع النباتات الخشبية والأخشاب................................................185

- بنية الأخشاب.....................................................................186

- التركيب الكيماوي للأخشاب وخواصها الفيزيائية والميكانيكية..................188

- أنواع الأخشاب المصنعة ومنتجاتها.............................................190

*الخشب المنشور...................................................................190

*الخشب المعاكس...................................................................190

*خشب اللاتيه.......................................................................190

*الخشب المضغوط.................................................................190

*الخشب الليفي المتوسط الكثافة (MDF) ........................................191

*صناعة الورق......................................................................191

- حفظ الأخشاب ومعالجتها........................................................193


-الفحم الخشبي................................................................194-202


المراجع References............................................................203






Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Damascus-Syria: Damascus University Press, 2012. p. 222 Edition: 1
Publications of Damascus University-faculty of Agriculture
Forestry, Forest Nersery
National Category
Forest Science
Research subject
Technology (byts ev till Engineering), Forestry and Wood Technology
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-41529 (URN)
Available from: 2015-04-01 Created: 2015-04-01 Last updated: 2015-04-15Bibliographically approved
Hameed, M. (2012). Forestry and Forest Nersery (Work-book) (1ed.). Damascus-Syria: Damascus University Press
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Forestry and Forest Nersery (Work-book)
2012 (Arabic)Book (Other academic)
Abstract [ar]



مقدمة...................................................................................... 7


الجلسة العملية الأولى:

 كيفية تجفيف العينات الحراجية...................................................... 9

الجلسة العملية الثانية:

التعرف إلى الأنواع الحراجية المخروطية............................................ 13

الجلسة العملية الثالثة:

التعرف إلى الأنواع الحراجية عريضة الأوراق....................................... 25

الجلسة العملية الرابعة:

تابع التعرف إلى الأنواع الحراجية عريضة الأوراق.................................. 33

الجلسة العملية الخامسة:

تابع التعرف إلى الأنواع الحراجية عريضة الأوراق.................................. 43


الجلسة العملية السادسة:

تابع التعرف إلى الأنواع الحراجية عريضة الأوراق.................................. 49

الجلسة العملية السابعة:

تابع التعرف إلى الأنواع الحراجية عريضة الأوراق.................................. 65


الجلسة العملية الثامنة:

تابع التعرف إلى الأنواع الحراجية عريضة الأوراق.................................. 69

الجلسة العملية التاسعة:

تابع التعرف إلى الأنواع الحراجية عريضة الأوراق.................................. 77

الجلسة العملية العاشرة:

التعرف إلى الأنواع الحراجية من خلال شكل القلف لجذوعها........................ 83

الجلسة العملية الحادية عشرة:

المراحل العملية لإستغلال الغابة.................................................... 89

الجلسة العملية الثانية عشرة:

تطبيقات عملية لتحديد جودة الأخشاب............................................. 91


الجلسة العملية الثالثة عشرة:

التعرف إلى نماذج من الصناعات الخشبية.......................................... 93

الجلسة العملية الرابعة عشرة:

زيارة لمشتل حراجي................................................................ 99


ملحق :

        I- صور ملونة للأنواع المدروسة................................................ 102

       II- الصفات التكنولوجية لأهم الأنواع الخشبية المحلية و المدخلة في سورية....... 151

       III- أهم منتجات الغابة غير الخشبية............................................ 171


المراجع :

المراجع العربية........................................................................... 175

المراجع الأجنبية......................................................................... 177


Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Damascus-Syria: Damascus University Press, 2012. p. 180 Edition: 1
Publications of Damascus University-faculty of Agriculture
Forestry, Forest Nersery (Work-book)
National Category
Forest Science
Research subject
Technology (byts ev till Engineering), Forestry and Wood Technology
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-41532 (URN)
Available from: 2015-04-01 Created: 2015-04-01 Last updated: 2015-04-15Bibliographically approved
Hameed, M. & Mansour, R. (2012). Remediation of Environmental Hazards in Olive Oil mill wastewater by using the aeration. Minia Journal of Agricultural Research and Development, 32(2), 211-221
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Remediation of Environmental Hazards in Olive Oil mill wastewater by using the aeration
2012 (Arabic)In: Minia Journal of Agricultural Research and Development, ISSN 1110-0257, Vol. 32, no 2, p. 211-221Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The liquid wastes come from milling the olive fruits, which are called the Olive Mill Wastewater, are disposed directly without any treatment. This causes a pollution of soil, groundwater, lakes, rivers and seas; it makes negative consequences on the elements of the ecological systems besides. Therefore, the treatment of these wastes and the ability to reusing them are urgent and necessary. The areas planted with olive trees yearly increase in Syria, this means that the annual average of olive oil production increases too. This causes the increasing of the main wastes average that comes from milling the olive fruits (The Olive Mill Wastewater). This investigation has established the Possibility of Rremediation of Environmental Hazards in Olive Oil mill wastewater by using the aeration, which can degrade the total polyphenol compounds in Olive Oil mill wastewater, which have bad effects on aqua environment to 77,76 % during 15 days. 

Remediation, Environmental Hazards, Olive Oil mill wastewater
National Category
Agricultural Science
Research subject
Technology (byts ev till Engineering), Forestry and Wood Technology
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-41491 (URN)
Available from: 2015-03-30 Created: 2015-03-30 Last updated: 2015-04-15Bibliographically approved
Hameed, M., Ayoub, M. & Aboud, N. (2012). Study of Mechanical properties of River red gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn in Damascus-Daraa Road.. Minia Journal of Agricultural Research and Development., 32(1), 37-64
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Study of Mechanical properties of River red gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn in Damascus-Daraa Road.
2012 (Arabic)In: Minia Journal of Agricultural Research and Development., ISSN 1110-0257, Vol. 32, no 1, p. 37-64Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The River red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn. ) is found in a lot of places in Syria, and the trees in Damascus- Daraa Road are in  good height, diameter and growth, so that we aimed to study some of the mechanical properties of its wood related to the most important modern uses of this wood in industry.

The study was done over Three trees, and three trunk masses of wood about 70 cm were taken from each tree from the beginning, the breast and the middle of the tree .

The results show that the wood of Rever red gum has the following mechanical properties:

-     The compression strength parallel to grain is medium (39.6 N/mm2), therefore, it is good in industries uses.

-     The bending factor is weak (1.44) , and its coherence is medium  (2.27).

-          The risistance of tensile strength was 40 N/mm2 .

-          Hardness (Janka) was 38.3 N/mm2.

So that we find out that the wood of River red gum is good and could be considered as a good wood with various uses and this spice is considered one of the promosing trees in our country for afforestration in zones like the stydy zones.

As for the variance, ther are significant effects of tacking masses from tree on the physical and mechanical properties of the wood.

Mechanical properties, River red gum, Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn.
National Category
Wood Science
Research subject
Technology (byts ev till Engineering), Forestry and Wood Technology
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-41479 (URN)
Available from: 2015-03-30 Created: 2015-03-30 Last updated: 2015-04-15Bibliographically approved
Hameed, M., Ayoub, M. & Aboud, N. (2012). Study of Physical properties of River red gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn.  in Damascus-Daraa Road.. Minia Journal of Agricultural Research and Development., 32(1), 17-36
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Study of Physical properties of River red gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn.  in Damascus-Daraa Road.
2012 (Arabic)In: Minia Journal of Agricultural Research and Development., ISSN 1110-0257, Vol. 32, no 1, p. 17-36Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The trees of River Red Gum in Damascus- Daraa Road are in a good height, diameter and growth, so that we aimed to study some of the physical properties of its wood related to the most important modern uses of this wood in industry.

The study was done over Three trees, and three trunk masses of wood about 70 cm were taken from each tree from the beginning, the breast and the middle height of the tree.

The results show that the wood of Rever red gum has the following physical properties:

  • It is hard, in which the density was 0.63 g/cm3, and this means that it is resistant to mechanical stress and sutable for using in building and engineering constructions.
  • The shrinkage is high.
  • As for the variance, there are significant effects of tacking masses from tree on the physical properties of the wood.
Physical properties, River red gum, Eucalyptus camaldulensis
National Category
Wood Science
Research subject
Technology (byts ev till Engineering), Forestry and Wood Technology
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-41478 (URN)
Available from: 2015-03-30 Created: 2015-03-30 Last updated: 2015-04-15Bibliographically approved
Hameed, M. & Mosseily, I. (2012). The Possibility of Producing Particleboard from Wastes by-Product of Olives and Determination of its physical- and mechanical Properties. Minia Journal of Agricultural Research and Development, 32(6), 1087-10104
Open this publication in new window or tab >>The Possibility of Producing Particleboard from Wastes by-Product of Olives and Determination of its physical- and mechanical Properties
2012 (Arabic)In: Minia Journal of Agricultural Research and Development, ISSN 1110-0257, Vol. 32, no 6, p. 1087-10104Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

This investigation has established the possibility of producing Particleboard from Byrene (waste after the oil has been extracted from the second time with Naphtha). This product has good physical-[moisture content (6.1%). density (0.73). absorption and cross-swelling after 2 hours (29.8%:12.6%) and after 24 hours (40.1%:19.1%)] and mechanical properties [binding strength (8.3 N/mm2) and cross-tensile strength (0.23 N/mm2)] according to European Norms and is very economical. 

Particleboard, Wastes by-Product of Olives, physical- and mechanical Properties
National Category
Wood Science
Research subject
Technology (byts ev till Engineering), Forestry and Wood Technology
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-41493 (URN)
Available from: 2015-03-30 Created: 2015-03-30 Last updated: 2015-04-15Bibliographically approved
Hameed, M. & Al - naser, Z. (2011). The Effect of Ethanol/Cyclohexane-Extract of the heart wood of some wood species in inhibition mycelium growth to Fusarium and Alternaria and compare with fungicides in laboratory.. Research Journal of Aleppo University, 93(2), 115-126
Open this publication in new window or tab >>The Effect of Ethanol/Cyclohexane-Extract of the heart wood of some wood species in inhibition mycelium growth to Fusarium and Alternaria and compare with fungicides in laboratory.
2011 (Arabic)In: Research Journal of Aleppo University, Vol. 93, no 2, p. 115-126Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

This investigation carried out in 2010, to study the effect of ethanol / cyclohexan extract for heart wood of Biota orientalis, Pinus pinea and Abies cilicica, in inhibition mycelium growth to fungi Alternaria alternate and Fusarium solani and compared with fungicides (thiophanate-m , chlorothalonil and mancozeb)  on PDA in laboratory. The obtained results showed that thiophanate-m gave the superior inhibition for F. solani ,where gave 100% inhibition at concentration 60 ppm. While the fungicide chlorothalonil gave the lowest inhibition to F. solani , where EC50 (73 ppm). At contrast, the fungicide chlorothalonil gave the highest inhibition to A.alternate at used concentrates. Where cause 100% inhabition  at 100 ppm. Also the results showed that mancozeb gave moderate effect on both fungi, where EC50 37ppm an 58 ppm to F. solani and A. Alternate, respectively. On the other hand, the result showed that wood extract of study species gave significant inhibition to growth fungi compare with the control. the Ethanol/Cyclohexane-Extract of the heart wood of Biota orientales gave the superior effect inhibition to A. alternata ,where gave 100%  inhibition at 150 ppm. While the Ethanol/Cyclohexane-Extract of the heart wood of (Abies cilicica) gave the highest inhibition to F.solani , where the percentage inhibition at concentrate 125 ppm were 100%. In contrast,  the Ethanol/Cyclohexane-Extract of the heart wood of (Pinus pinea) gave moderate inhibition to A. Alternate, where EC50 (94 ppm). While gave the lowest  effect in F. solani. Therefore we recommended to use the ethanol/ cyclohexane extract of the heart wood of Biota and Abies as Environment friendly fungicides. 


Ethanol/Cyclohexane-Extract, heart wood, fungicides, Alternaria, Fusarium
National Category
Wood Science
Research subject
Technology (byts ev till Engineering), Forestry and Wood Technology
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-41477 (URN)
Available from: 2015-03-30 Created: 2015-03-30 Last updated: 2015-04-15Bibliographically approved

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