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Title [sv]
Molekylära mekanismer för spridning av influensa A virus mellan arter
Title [en]
Molecular mechanisms of influenza A virus interspecies transmission
Abstract [en]
This proposal aims at understanding molecular mechanisms of interspecies transmission of influenza A viruses (IAV) from the natural reservoir to poultry. Few viruses have affected humanity as much as IAV. Seasonal outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics cause morbidity and mortality. Highly pathogenic H5 and H7 viruses continue to spread in poultry with human infections along their way. Low pathogenic viruses adapted to poultry pose major problems for the industry with risk of subsequent human infections. Transmission of IAV from the wild bird reservoir to poultry is an important first step towards human exposure to these viruses. In this 4 year project, we will study viral and host factors associated with interspecies transmission of IAV. As model organisms we use three different bird species, Chickens, Tufted ducks and Mallards. In parallel challenge experiments with natural Mallard IAV isolates, we will study differences between IAV subtypes in the propensity to infect Chickens and Tufted ducks. By employing sequence based methods and (glyco) protein chemistry combined with high throughput screening we can assess viral genetic and phenotypic changes associated with infection and expansion in new hosts. The immune response is an important driving force in viral adaptation and therefore, we must study innate- and humoral immune responses to IAV infection. Understanding these mechanisms is essential for developing measures to protect humans and livestock from emerging IAV.
Principal InvestigatorOlsen, Björn
Coordinating organisation
Uppsala University
2017-01-01 - 2020-12-31
National Category
MicrobiologyCell and Molecular BiologyOther Basic Medicine
DiVA, id: project:5695Project, id: 2016-02596_VR

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