Visual Learning Analytics (VLA) tools (such as dashboards) serve as a centralized hub for monitoring and analyzing educational data. Dashboards can assist teachers in data-informed pedagogical decision-making and/or students in following their own learning progress. However, the design of VLA tools should include features of trust in order to make analytics overt among its users. In this study, we propose a framework for the development of VLA tools from beginning to end that describes how we intend to develop the digital and technical infrastructure in our project for teachers. With that aim, we offer one scenario describing how data is managed, transferred, analyzed, and visualized by teachers. The suggested framework intends to make it easier for developers to understand the various steps involved in co-designing and developing a reliable VLA tool and to comprehend the importance of the teacher’s participation in design. VLA tools developed based on the proposed framework have the potential to assist teachers in understanding and analyzing educational data, monitoring students’ learning paths based on their learning outcomes and activities, simplifying regular tasks, and giving teachers more time to support teaching/learning and growth.