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Undergraduate nursing student's attitudes to learning during clinical practice in different semesters when using a conceptual learning model grounded in a caritative caring perspective – A cross-sectional study
Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Health and Caring Sciences. Region Jönköping county, Sweden;Linköping University, Sweden.ORCID iD: 0009-0000-4639-7582
Region Jönköping county, Sweden;Jönköping University, Sweden.
Jönköping University, Sweden;Linköping University Hospital, Sweden;Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway.ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0433-0619
Linnaeus University, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, Department of Health and Caring Sciences.ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4630-7385
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2024 (English)In: Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, ISSN 0283-9318, E-ISSN 1471-6712, Vol. 38, no 2, p. 294-305Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Aim:To describe undergraduate nursing students' attitudes to learning during clinical practice in different semesters when using the conceptual learning model, Model for Improvements in Learning Outcomes (MILO) grounded in a caritative caring perspective.

Background: With the intention to support interlinking between theory and praxis and offer understanding and structure to facilitate learning, MILO, theoretically grounded in hermeneutics and a caritative caring perspective based on ethical values, was implemented. MILO consists of four contextual concepts (peer learning, co-clinical teachers, student-centred and student-active supervision) and four intrapersonal concepts (nursing, a reflective approach, a critical approach, quality and safety).

Methods: A descriptive comparative quantitative study design was applied at a Swedish university, 3 hospitals and 13 municipalities in one county. Cross-sectional data collected via a questionnaire developed to assess attitudes to learning related to MILO's contextual and intrapersonal concepts and their applications were used.

Results: 209 students in semester 3, 4 and 6 participated in 6 different clinical practice courses. In comparison, intrapersonal concepts, that is, the student's own characteristics and abilities were viewed to be of greater value for learning than contextual, that is, organisational-related concepts in all semesters. Understanding the needs of others and reflective learning were rated to be of major importance. Students in semester 3 valued the use of the applications the highest. To be supervised in pairs was rated the lowest in semester 6. Some of the concepts and their applications were to great extent not applied.

Conclusions: In all semesters, fundamentals in caritative caring and characteristics and abilities related to the individual student were rated to be of greater importance for learning than environmental support. Providing students opportunities to develop independency seems essential. Use of a learning model such as MILO is dependent on a bearing of a caritative caring culture and a shared understanding between all involved in student learning during clinical practice.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
John Wiley & Sons, 2024. Vol. 38, no 2, p. 294-305
Keywords [en]
attitudes, caring culture, caritas, clinical practice, concepts, implementation, learning, learning models, questionnaire
National Category
Research subject
Health and Caring Sciences, Caring Science
URN: urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-125873DOI: 10.1111/scs.13229ISI: 001111904700001Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-85178389357OAI: oai:DiVA.org:lnu-125873DiVA, id: diva2:1816747
Futurum - Academy for Health and Care, Jönköping County Council, SwedenAvailable from: 2023-12-04 Created: 2023-12-04 Last updated: 2024-10-15Bibliographically approved
In thesis
1. MILO - A Conceptual Learning Model Grounded in a Hermeneutical and a Caritative Caring Perspective: Development and Evaluation
Open this publication in new window or tab >>MILO - A Conceptual Learning Model Grounded in a Hermeneutical and a Caritative Caring Perspective: Development and Evaluation
2024 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Alternative title[sv]
MILO - en konceptuell lärandemodell grundad i ett hermeneutiskt och ett karitativt vårdande perspektiv : Utveckling och Utvärdering
Abstract [en]

Aim: The overall aim was to develop and evaluate a conceptual learning model grounded in a caritative caring perspective aimed to facilitate undergraduate nursing students’ learning during clinical practice.

Methods: This thesis comprises four studies with a descriptive explorative design overall. In the inductively applied research, different designs using both qualitative and quantitative methods, were used. Studies I–III used qualitative methods; data for study I were collected using the Delphi method and analysed using qualitative data analysis. In study II, data were collected using focus group interviews and analysed using latent content analysis. In study III, data were collected using individual interviews and analysed using a phenomenographic approach. Study IV used quantitative methods and data were collected using a questionnaire and analysed using statistical methods.

Results: Study I resulted in a conceptual learning model grounded in hermeneutics and a caritative caring perspective. The Model for Improvement in Learning Outcomes (MILO) encompasses eight concepts: four intrapersonal, i.e. the students’ own characteristics, reflecting understanding, and four contextual concepts, i.e. environmental concepts, reflecting structure. Study II showed that students’ learning is facilitated as a result of natural actions and elements that occur in daily life, integrating natural caring with professional caring. Studies III and IV showed that students’ learning was a gain in knowledge and understanding of supportive elements for learning and the perspective of the patients, and a gain in engagement and dedication. Study IV also showed that the intrapersonal concepts were valued more than the contextual concepts in the three different semesters studied. The use of the applications was valued more at the start of the students’ education. Some of the concepts and their applications had not been used in accordance with MILO’s implementation in the region involved.

Conclusions: The fundamentals needed to become a professional caring nurse include having compassion and competence. Undergraduate nursing students’ learning during clinical practice needs to be facilitated by a theoretical foundation establishing an ethical bearing, by knowledge and understanding of one self and of the patient as a whole, and by challenged learning using a diversity of tools to achieve the intended outcome of better health and well-being for the patient.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Linnaeus University Press, 2024. p. 110
Linnaeus University Dissertations ; 518
conceptual model, learning, undergraduate nursing students, hermeneutics, caring, caritas, competence, understanding, natural caring, professional caring
National Category
Research subject
Health and Caring Sciences, Caring Science
urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-128335 (URN)10.15626/LUD.518.2024 (DOI)9789180821339 (ISBN)9789180821346 (ISBN)
Public defence
2024-04-12, Linnésalen, Hus H, Växjö, 11:00 (Swedish)
Available from: 2024-03-21 Created: 2024-03-19 Last updated: 2024-05-28Bibliographically approved

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Koldestam, MariaLindqvist, GunillaKnutsson, Susanne

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