Aim: to analyze the pattern of mortality in deceased foreign-born persons living in Sweden during the years 1970-1999 in relation to distance mobility.
MEthods: Data from Statistics Sweden and the National Board of Health and Welfare was used, and the study population consisted of 281,412 foreign-born persons aged 16 years and over who were registered as living in Sweden in 1970.
Results: Distance mobility did not have a negative effect on health. Total mortality was lower (OR 0.71; 95% CI 0.69-0.73) in foreign-born persons in Sweden who had changed their county of residence during the period 1970-1990. Higher death rates were observed, after adjustment for age, in three ICD diagnosis groups "Injury and poisoning", "External causes of injury and poisoning", and "Diseases of the digestive system" among persons who had changed county of residence.