The 18th annual International Research Conference ‘Dilemmas for Human Services’ and the preliminary Doctoral Consortium took place at Linnaeus University and Teleborg castle in Växjo, Sweden, during September 9th–11th 2015. The conference was organized as a joint effort between Linnaeus University, Växjö, and University of Linköping.
The Dilemmas conference dates back to 1995. It was formed, and is maintained, by scholars at Staffordshire University, University of East London, and Luleå University of Technology. Generally, Dilemmas stimulates critical analysis and reflections, and encourages more careful considerations about dominant ideas and notions relevant for human services. With this, Dilemmas nurtures meetings between established and new coming scholars where policy, organizational, management and sociological issues relating to human services can be considered. The research topics relevant to such span areas of e.g. health, social services, housing and education.
This conference was also funded by Rektors strategiska internationaliseringsmedel för forskning, Linnaeus University.