This chapter is about the context of writing about context. The chapter uses, loosely, ideas from narrative studies to explore facets of scholarship on context in entrepreneurship. While the chapter, in some respects, might be seen as a methods chapter, that is, a chapter on ways to research and write about context, the chapter would be more useful if it is read as an opportunity to consider the context of the context of scholarship, itself. That is, ‘scholarship’, (for example, what is written in this book) is, in itself, a context for writing about context. In such a context, then, one might find it profitable to consider the reader, writer and the text (itself) as aspects of what ‘narrating context’ is. As a way to emphasize the unique contextual aspects of scholarly writing, this chapter utilizes a form that is ‘non-scholarly and non-contextual’ as a way to heighten the sensibility of context in contextualizing entrepreneurship scholarship.