The aim of this project is to produce more chemical and mechanically durable glasses and glass surfaces having high thermal, mechanical and optical properties. The development of new materials is fundamental for the technological progress; their preparation and characterization lead to breakthrough applications as well as progress in our understanding of basic solid state materials properties. Glasses play an important role in our society and are expected to do so even more in the future. In the current proposed project we would like to extend the M-Si-O-N ( M= Ca and Sr) system to T-Si-O-N (T= Transition metals e.g. Ti, Zr, Y, Mn etc) and Ln-Si-O-N ( Ln = Lanthanoids e.g. La, Ce, Pr, Eu, Gd, etc) systems. Applications of these nitrogen rich glasses include, as potential materials for use in more light-weight applications in modern communications equipment, in biomedical devices and where reductions in energy usage are critical. Furthermore, these glass materials can be used as a passive coatings on electronic substrates using their higher dielectric constants and elastic moduli to best advantage; special windows where their higher elastic moduli would allow them to remain stiff in thinner sections, thus allowing weight and energy savings; hard disk drives, again making use of higher modulus and lower densities to achieve higher rotation speeds; new bioactive oxynitride glasses and glass-ceramics with better load-bearing properties.
Ej belagd 181017