The diversity of evoked concepts through time and space led people to come up with the notion of world systems analysis in the early 1970s. Later the concept became known as the world systems theory. Even though the name was not coined during those periods but the method was already enforced. The system ruled the world through its methods implemented by its proponents in new explored regions. For long ago, some territories endured slavery and colonialism. The methods applied to those lands changed name and turned to be something new meanwhile the processes were previously known. Once the stages of slavery and colonialism were over the system directed its objectives on other goals and created social classes that gave way to competition. The competition was then transformed into conflicts.2This sorts of methods existed in the past and maintained some empires alive unless they disappeared if they did not invade other territories. The mid-sixteenth century Peruvian mining case was a perfect example that got stuck into the mind of human beings. Later the scenario continued in the same modern world within which human beings of same and different communities fight each other for the acquisition of wealth. However, these premises can be confirmed through the behaviour of some institutions, governments and individuals against each other. One of the main goals that leads these individuals, institutions, states or regimes into rivalries is about the mining process (resource wars) as it was confirmed in Sierra Leone. In sum, people are fighting each other in order to rule a territory, an administration or a population in cooperation whether with the inner or the outsider apparatus in search for wealth. Therefore, the so called Third World countries are the true examples showing the picture that is about to be discussed throughout the research project. The case study here will be focused on the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) that suffered and is still exposed to the danger of the world systems and the resource wars’ disadvantages. The DRC has for long paid the price of conflicts (natural resource wars) that were caused by the world political system applied on the territory for many years ago.