Influencia del indigenismo y de la NuevaNovela Histórica en la novela Rosa Cuchillo de Óscar Colchado Lucio
2018 (Spanish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesisAlternative title
The influence of the indigenous literary movement and the New Historical Novel in Rosa Cuchillo novel by Óscar Colchado Lucio (English)
Abstract [en]
The following study aims to analyze the most distinctive characteristics and influence ofthe indigenous literary movement, neoindigenismo, and of the New Historical Novel inthe novel Rosa Cuchillo written by Óscar Colchado Lucio. Rosa Cuchillo is a novelnarrated by its characters, who represent the voice of the social outcasts silenced by theofficial history discourse. The plot unfolds in the epoch of terrorism that Perú wentthrough between 1980 and 2000. To identify these characteristics, we use two literarytheories: the first one by Tomás Escajadillo, and, the other one, by Cecilia Fernández inwhich we try to recognize the magical realism and mythology of the Andean gods, themystical universe of the Andean man, the abandonment of the omniscient narrator; thedissolution of boundaries between past and present, and, finally, the metafiction as wellas the individualized and supported perspectives by the protagonists.We conclude that in the novel appear the most distinctive features of the indigenousliterary movement: indigenous-neoindigenism and also the features of the NewHistorical Novel.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2018. , p. 31
Keywords [en]
Indigenism, Neoindigenism, New Historical Novel, indigenous, fiction, terrorism.
Keywords [es]
Indigenismo, Neoindigenismo, Nueva Novela Histórica, indígena, ficción, terrorismo.
National Category
General Literature Studies
URN: urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-78288OAI:, id: diva2:1255351
Subject / course
2018-05-23, Linnéuniversitetet, P G Vejdes väg, 351 95 Växjö, 01:33 (Spanish)
2018-10-122018-10-122018-10-12Bibliographically approved