Hand segmentation is an integral part of many computer vision applications, especially gesture recognition. Training a classifier to classify pixels into hand or background using skin color as a feature is one of the most popular methods for this purpose. This approach has been highly restricted to simple hand segmentation scenarios since color feature alone provides very limited information for classification. Meanwhile there have been a rise of segmentation methods utilizing deep learning networks to exploit multi-layers of complex features learned from image data. Yet a deep neural network requires a large database for training and a powerful computational machine for operations due to its complexity in computations. In this work, the development of comprehensive features and optimized uses of these features with a randomized decision forest (RDF) classifier for the task of hand segmentation in uncontrolled indoor environments is investigated. Newly designed image features and new implementations are provided with evaluations of their hand segmentation performances. In total, seven image features which extract pixel or neighborhood related properties from color images are proposed and evaluated individually as well as in combination. The behaviours of feature and RDF parameters are also evaluated and optimum parameters for the scenario under consideration are identified. Additionally, a new dataset containing hand images in uncontrolled indoor scenarios was created during this work. It was observed from the research that a combination of features extracting color, texture, neighborhood histogram and neighborhood probability information outperforms existing methods for hand segmentation in restricted as well as unrestricted indoor environments using just a small training dataset. Computations required for the proposed features and the RDF classifier are light, hence the segmentation algorithm is suited for embedded devices equipped with limited power, memory, and computational capacities.