Mediating tools in the practices of choir directorsSkills are relational, that is, they are developed in a relationship and interactionwith the environment, and through the mediation that takes placein social processes. From a socio-cultural perspective this paper has its focuson the interaction in choir practice and the importance for the developmentof the individual, since it is in this interaction that learning, creativity andother cognitive skills are developed. This study of choir conductors appliesa combination of methods, creating an opportunity for the participants toverbally express their thoughts, and also made it possible to examine silentdimensions of knowledge. It is practice-based, qualitative and longitudinalin character. Four choir directors were observed closely while working withtheir children and youth choirs and took part in semi-structured interviews.The empirical data material consists of observation notes, reflective writing,individual interviews, focus conversations, videotapes and stimulated recallinterviews. With an overarching approach to learning and creativity as mediatedand relational, the key concepts are tools, mediating tools, socially situatedcultural practice and collective memory. In the case of professional choraldirectors, the relational aspect can be described as the ability to stand besidethe recently performed actions, reflect on what has just happened and workon this experience over time. The Performing approaches and mediating toolsbecome available in a social, situated and cultural practice. In conclusion,choral conducting involves a great variety of negotiations and renegotiationsof working approaches and mediating tools, and the choir is a mediating toolfor the choir director.