Author: Erik Ideström
Title: Gym going male’s view on the use of doping agents. How social background and masculinity depictions affect attitudes of the usage of doping agents. [Translated title]
Supervisor: Lars Sörnsen
The aim of this study is to examine views on the use of doping agents among gym going males. More specifically it examines if the view on masculinity and social background have correlations with the view on using doping agents. The study uses a web survey on two different populations, one is specific gym members and the other is two internet forums. The participants of the study were gym going males in the ages between 18 and 51. The analysis builds on three theories: hegemonic masculinity, symbolic capital and habitus. The study’s results points towards a positive correlation between having a hegemonic view on masculinity and being positive towards the use of doping agents. The study also found a correlation between a good childhood and a negative view on using doping agents. The study concludes that there is a correlation between a hegemonic view on masculinity and a positive view om doping agents.