This study is within the field of values and values education. The aim is to provide knowledge of how to promote children's belonging in early childhood education by focusing on parent's experiences. The study is part of the international research project Politics of belonging - promoting children's inclusion in educational settings across borders, funded by NordForsk. Researchers have pointed out that values education as an educational practice is a neglected field in research (e.g. Puroila, et. al. 2016). A growing concern is how to prevent children’s exclusion and improve their belonging (Johansson, 2017; McKay, 2014). The study applies to Habermas’ (1995) dual perspective of the world: life-world and system. This allows for explorations of belonging in ECEC from both the participants' point of view and a broader societal context. The study has a critical hermeneutic approach. Data will be collected by interviews with parents and observations of the intermediate knowledge domain between the family and the institution. The project has been ethically proved. Ethical dimensions will be conducted continuously and cautiously. The study will provide empirical knowledge about parents' views on children's belonging in ECEC and what is important values in the intermediate knowledge domain between the family and the institution. It will provide societal and practical outcomes to promote children´s inclusion and sense of belonging in everyday life in ECEC. By enhancing parents' experiences the quality of values education in the ECEC institutions may increase. The project will inform educational policy and child outcomes for citizenship.