From having been a subcultural, masculinecoded phenomenon in the 1970s, gym culture today has broadened, developing into a global, inclusive, multi-million dollar industry in which different forms of exercise are gathered under the general term of fitness. Despite this cultural transformation and the powerful idealisation of healthy lifestyles that characterises the fitness concept today, research shows, paradoxically, that these health arenas can be linked with doping. This report provides an overview of the state of research on fitness doping and how the routes to doping have been studied. One of its conclusions is that knowledge is limited, particularly regarding doping by women. The expansion and popularisation of fitness culture has led to unclear boundaries between doping in subcultural and often masculine-coded environments and doping as a more widespread and culturally accepted phenomenon in gym and fitness culture. The demographic ‘profile’ of people who dope has been expanded and the report ends with the question of how developments in prevention can tackle these changes.