Tourism is inherently an earthly business, whether it is conceptualized in terms of the spatial movement of people to and from destinations or as an all-embracing ubiquitous part of contemporary social life; tourism always takes place on Earth. As self-evident as this premise is, its implications have nevertheless so far rarely been explicitly considered. Merely to place tourism and the tourist squarely on the Earth offers nothing more than traditional tourism geography. In this chaptera tourism geography research agenda is outlined around tourism as an earthly endeavour, premised upon a recognition that humans are all co-extensive with the planet Earth in a new geological era called the Anthropocene. The Anthropocene entails the prospect of facing profound changes in the global political, economic, environmental and social order, along with a widerange of possible consequences for individuals, includingin the domain of tourism. The research agenda outlined entails a need for developing alternative ways of assembling for example Nature, Society, the tourist and tourism. Building on the on-going theorization of the Anthropocene, the agenda is to develop a science and a politics for re-assembling those collectives of humans and non-humans. This assembling is about developing responsibilities and attuning to more than human rhythms of life as afforded to those travelling. These affordances and tourism encounters inform storytelling which allows for a minimal geo-ethics for the Anthropocene. One of the absolutely most central, and difficult, of issues for that political and scientific assembling and composing of collectives is about tourism in relation to our common future on the Earth.