School is one of the areas where social pedagogy has taken on an increasingly important function.Supported by available literature, the aim of this literature review is to describe and analyse how the workof social pedagogues in schools can be manifested. The literature review shows that social pedagogicalwork in schools is common in many countries and emerging in others. The study shows a wide variationboth between and within countries with regard to the mission and goals, status, role and function, tasksand activities of social pedagogues. The primary mission is inclusion of pupil groups or individualswith various types of psychosocial problems or school-related difficulties, followed by preventive workaimed at all pupils to counteract social exclusion in school, disciplining groups of pupils who are invarious ways disrupting or breaking school norms, a consciousness-raising and mobilising mission anda more general teaching mission aimed at citizenship and democratic upbringing. The literature reviewshows that social pedagogy as a profession enjoys high currency and relevance in schools with a view topreventing the segregation and exclusion of pupils.