This paper investigates the effectiveness of fabric reinforced cementitious matrix (FRCM) systems in shear-strengthening of reinforced concrete beams. Three types of FRCM systems were considered, namely, polyparaphenylene benzobisoxazole (PBO)-FRCM, Carbon-FRCM, and Glass-FRCM. At first, tensile characterization test was performed on 15 FRCM coupons with the aim of identifying the tensile properties of the FRCM systems adopted. After that, seven shear-critical RC beams were tested under three-point loading, with the consideration of two test parameters: (a) FRCM material (glass/carbon/PBO); and (b) strengthening configuration (full/intermittent). The study results revealed the use of FRCM as a strengthening material to achieve a considerable improvement in the structural capacity of shear-critical RC beams. The average gain in the shear capacity of the FRCM-strengthened beams was 57%. The beam specimens strengthened with carbon-FRCM showed the highest improvement as compared to those strengthened with glass-and PBO-FRCM systems. As intuitively expected, the shear capacity improvement achieved with the full-length strengthening systems was generally higher than that with the intermittent counterparts.