Aim: To develop a diabetes education model based on individual beliefs, knowledge and riskawareness, aimed at migrants with type 2 diabetes, living in Sweden. Background: Type 2 diabetesis rapidly increasing globally, particularly affecting migrants living in developed countries.There is ongoing debate about what kind of teaching method gives the best result, but few studieshave evaluated different methods for teaching migrants. Previous studies lack a theoreticalbase and do not proceed from the individuals’ own beliefs about health and illness, underpinnedby their knowledge, guiding their health-related behaviour. Methods: A diabetes educationmodel was developed to increase knowledge about diabetes and to influence self-care amongmigrants with type 2 diabetes. The model was based on literature review, on results from a previousstudy investigating knowledge about diabetes, on experience from studies of beliefs abouthealth and illness, and on collaboration between researchers in diabetes care and migration andhealth and staff working in a multi-professional diabetes team. Findings: This is a culturallyappropriate diabetes education model proceeding from individual beliefs about health and illnessand knowledge, conducted in focus-group discussions in five sessions, led by a diabetesspecialist nurse in collaboration with a multi-professional team, and completed within threemonths. The focus groups should include 4–5 persons and last for about 90 min, in the presenceof an interpreter. A thematic interview guide should be used, with broad open-ended questionsand descriptions of critical situations/health problems. Discussions of individual beliefs basedon knowledge are encouraged. When needed, healthcare staff present at the session answerquestions, add information and ensure that basic principles for diabetes care are covered.The diabetes education model is tailored to both individual and cultural aspects and canimprove knowledge about type 2 diabetes, among migrants and thus increase self-care behaviourand improve health.