The main purpose of this study has been to examine how anti-Semitism is expressed within the Nordic Resistance Movement. A thematization of different kinds of anti-Semitism drawing from Bachner and Ring also made it possible to distinguish between different kinds of anti-Semitism. Eight podcast episodes from their ideological podcast Ledarperspektiv that specifically discusses questions about Jews have been chosen for the analysis. Anti-Semitism is the foundation of the organization. The study found that the most common type of anti-Semitism within the Nordic Resistance Movement is the belief of a Jewish world conspiracy. Another important conclusion is that the organization appears to have left the anti-Semitic code language behind. Anti-Semitic rhetoric were found to be very open and hardly any code language was used. The study concludes that more research is necessary, especially taking into account the growing number of hate crimes and negative attitudes towards Jews, both in Europe and in Sweden.