In Swedish law the Act concerning Support and Service for Persons withCertain Functional Impairment [Lagen om stöd och service till vissafunktionshindrade], is built on norms and meant for broad interpretations bythe decision makers in the municipalities, the Swedish Social InsuranceAgency [Försäkringskassan] and the court of law. The aim of this study wasto investigate how the Supreme Administrative Court [högstaförvaltningsdomstolen] in Sweden interprets good living conditions [godalevnadsvillkor] and the possibility to live as others [leva som andra] as statedin the Act. The purpose was achieved by a qualitative content analysis ofeleven different court cases. In the studies analysis the theories used werepower, social constructivism and norms. The results were also drawn incomparison to previous research. The conclusions found were that the powerto decide over one's own life is what the Supreme Administrative Courtvalues as good living conditions. The study also shows that norms are adeciding factor when it comes to rulings concerning the Support and Servicefor Persons with Certain Functional Impairment act. One of the importantconclusions drawn was that if the individual does not want to live as othersthey are not forced to do so.