In the presented publication the authors reflect on their long-term teaching experiences in the field of Applied geometry and Engineering graphics accumulated at two European universities - Ruse University, Bulgaria and Linnaeus University, Sweden. The main problems and challenges in the training of students of the engineering specialties of the two universities in disciplines related to descriptive geometry, technical drawing, engineering graphics and 2D and 3D CAD, are related to an establishment of practical skills for execution of different types of drawings, to the building up a spatial vision for faster and more efficient reading and implementing of drawings and an accumulation of sufficient knowledge and information on the current standards in the field of engineering graphics and technical documentation. Graphics and visualization are a preferred form of communication in engineering practices and engineering education. Various methods of descriptive geometry and computer graphics are applied in order to achieve an effective visualization. By using technical standards for defining the practical usage of symbols, graphical elements and units of measurement, a visual language is created that assists and ensures a transmission of unambiguous, clear and understandable information. The publication presents a review of approaches and training methods applied at both universities over the past 10 years, and a comparison of the results achieved. Finally, conclusions are drawn, how having in consideration others and their own experiences and taking into account some recent trends in the work of designers, developers and technologists, the students' learning outcomes of in their preparation for future engineers could be improved.