Research has largely focused on ‘unaccompanied minors’ as avulnerable group at risk of developing psychological problemsthat affect their health. Separation from primary caregivers is considered one of the foremost reasons for these young people’s proposed loneliness. Thus, the official and ascribed identity is thatthey are lonely and that loneliness is their major problem. Butresearch has seldom given the young people themselves anopportunity to express their views in an attempt to trace theoften situational, dynamic and complex nature of social andemotional life. The present article analyses how ‘unaccompanied minors’ talk about everyday life and themes related to loneliness.The authors followed 23 ‘unaccompanied minors’ during a periodof a year through ethnographic observations and qualitative interviews. Results: Loneliness may occur when these youngpeople experience lack of control in managing life and when theyfeel no one grieves for them; loneliness may be dealt with bycreating new social contacts and friends; loneliness may bereinforced or reduced in encounters with representatives from‘the system’; the young people may experience frustration about being repeatedly labeled ‘unaccompanied’ and they may create a resistance to and critical reflexivity towards this labeling.