Background. Sweden, with a population of 10 million, received approximately 300,000 refugees 2015-2016 (The Statistics Portal 2018), the majority from Arabic-speaking countries, many of whom were women of child-bearing age. Midwives in pre-natal care experienced communication problems despite telephone interpreters. Studies have shown that immigrant women have poorer outcomes in pregnancy (Bollini et al. 2009). This has been linked to communication and cultural difficulties. Although there are many health-related applications (apps), many are not evidence-based (Lewis & Wyatt 2014). AimThe aim of this project was to develop an evidence-based app to promote effective communication between midwives and Arabic-speaking women. MethodsA multi-disciplinary team was formed to develop a bilingual app in cooperation with midwives who worked in pre-natal care. End-user perspectives were prioritised. Data were collected by 1) focus group interviews to determine the objectives of maternity care, 2) observations to gain understanding of work processes and 3) workshops to discuss material with midwives and refine content according to user-needs. All material was further validated by professional midwifery sources.ResultsAn evidence-based, multi-modal, bilingual app with text, images and voiced recordings was developed to use as a complement to interpreters in pre-natal care. Both midwives and the pregnant women feel empowered; midwives do not have to risk inadequate translation by interpreters; women receive accurate information. Women receive information directly from the midwife through the app, rather than depending on an interpreter. ConclusionsThis app contributes to ensuring equity of care within midwifery services. It provides improved communication within pre-natal care to help promote safe pregnancy and delivery of a healthy baby. ReferencesBollini, P., Pampallona, S., Wanner, P., & Kupelnick, B. (2009). Pregnancy outcomes of migrant women and integration policy: a systematic review of the international literature. Soc Sci Med, 68, 452-461. Lewis T and Wyatt J. mHealth and Mobile Medical Apps: A Framework to Assess Risk and Promote Safer Use. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2014; 16: e210.The Statistics Portal. (2018). Number of immigrants in Sweden from 2007 to 2017. Retrieved from