In this study we investigate how 11 Swedish technology teachers perceive the use of models in technology education. Models are part of technology education in many countries even though there are few studies investigating teachers’ understanding of models as part of the subject and how models are used in education. The use of models and modelling in technology is connected to problem solving and builds on both practical and theoretical knowledge. Models could be understood as both cognitive and physical, used for describing complex artefacts and solutions as well as working with developing solutions.
Our study involves empirical interviews with technology teachers, teaching technology and science in grade 7-9 (pupils 13-15 years old). By using a content analysis, we explore how teachers perceive the use of models in technology education. The analysis resulted in two themes and five different categories used to understand how teachers perceive models. When comparing with the dual nature of models (Nia & De Vries, 2017) the Swedish technology teachers mainly relate the use of models to an intentional nature. This indicates that there are model functions that the technology teachers do not perceive at all or only perceive to a limited extent which could have a negative effect on the possibilities for pupils to understand and learn about complex technological relationships and phenomena, as well as for pupils' ability to solve problems.