A short biography of Katarina Ulfsdotter (Catherine of Vadstena), daughter of St Birgitta of Sweden, co-founder of Vadstena Abbey, and a saint of the Catholic Church. Katarina was born in c. 1331. She passed half of her life in Rome, as assistant to her mother as long as she lived, and thereafter to fulfil her work. She also actively furthered the interests of the Swedish Church province in Rome.Katarina succeeded in gaining the trust of the people with which she interacted, including the Pope and the curia, and heads of state like Queen Joanna of Naples. She was also a keen organizer of the monastery in Vadstena that had been founded according to the instructions of St Birgitta. She passed away on March 24, 1381, already with a reputation for sanctity. A biography was written, miracles were reported, and in the 1470s, a process of canonization was undertaken.
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