This research was conducted to identify and compare the chemical compositions in Persian silk tree(Albizia julibrissin Durazz.) from different parts of wood and bark, using Fourier Transform Infrared(FTIR) Spectroscopy, gas and liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS, LCMS),and elemental analysis. FTIR analysis showed significant differences in the chemical structureof bark and wood at peaks that belong to the cellulose and hemicelluloses. According to theresults, the C-O-C asymmetric stretch vibration in cellulose and hemicelluloses peak of Persian silktree was lower in the bark and ѵC=O in quinone or p-quinone peak was higher in the bark. Theresults of GC-MS showed 12 chemical constituents in the bark and 43 in the wood, respectively.Among these, hexadecanoic acid and inositol were in common. According to the LC-MS analyses,bark samples were rich in lignan compositions and triterpenoid saponins, whereas wood was poorin these compositions. Altogether 61 compositions have been tentatively identified and describedfrom bark and wood tissues; many of them were identified for the first time. Energy-dispersive Xray(EDX) spectrometry illustrated that the bark contained iron and aluminium, sodium,phosphorus, sulphur and chlorine, while these elements did not exist in wood.