This chapter explores relationships among the components of the model for competitive international strategy under the influence of competition. The relationships comprise the link between resources and a firm’s strategy formulation, the link between the strategy and the implementation, and the link between implementation and outcome in terms of international competitiveness. The competition context manifested by competition barriers, or competitive dynamics, makes a relationship stronger or weaker. The first relationship incorporates the resource base that the firm needs to consider when formulating the competitive international strategy. Competition moderates the impact of resources because, for example, major competitors may imitate or replicate existing resources of the firm. Regarding the relationship between a formulated competitive international strategy and implementation in a host country market, the discussion reveals relationships involving competitive dynamics, a strategy adapted to a local market, and value adding of a firm’s subsidiary operating in the market. Finally, in order to achieve international competitiveness, the firm needs to implement the competitive international strategy effectively. However, competition may obstruct the implementation and influence sustainability of competitiveness. The discussion pays attention to criteria for the evaluation of effectiveness of strategy implementation.