This is a case about the largest independent food bank in Mexico. Alimento Para Todos (APT) collect, organize, dignify and distribute food to over 65,000 people per week, every week, year around, year after year. The case narrates and analyses the societal value generated by these high impact social entrepreneurs in Mexico City, where all key management positions except one are held by women entrepreneurs. First, readers are brought "right in" to case context with a method for presenting narrative data aiming at evoking readers emotionally/emphatically before becoming rationally/analytically involved. Thereafter, more conventional sections with theoretical framework and methodology are presented. In the findings section then following, a method for presenting narrative data aiming at balancing "the teller" (author) and "the told" (respondents) is used to unfold "A day in the life of Alimento Para Todos" mainly from the perspectives of "the told". Finally, a more conventional discussion and conclusion section focus on the contributions from this case to improve our knowledge about social value creation through woman entrepreneurship at societal level.