Approximately 300,000 km of the Swedish road network consists of gravel roads. These roads contribute to accessibility and accessibility throughout Sweden, which is especially important in rural areas. An annual operation and maintenance grant is paid to these roads to be maintained and kept open to public transport, but the grant covers only part of the total maintenance costs. Some of the costliest maintenance activities are planing and gravelling. When gravelling, natural resources in the form of rock and gravel are used, which is an energy-intensive process that has a negative impact on the environment. A couple of methods exist for recycling of gravel from the roads, but the utilization is rather limited. In order to promote and motivate recycling of gravel, it is important to highlight the environmental benefits of using recycled gravel, but also to be able to assess the economic impact as additional costs may arise. The overall purpose of the paper is to gain deeper understanding of the environmental and economic effects of recycling of gravel during gravel road maintenance. To achieve this, a calculation model is developed to estimate the environmental impact and economic effects of gravel road maintenance. The purpose of the calculation model is to be able to compare alternative methods for gravelling. The calculation model is evaluated through a test scenario with three alternative methods for gravelling; two where gravel recycling is performed by the means of two different methods and one in which new gravel is used. The test scenario shows that it is economically and environmentally beneficial, in a life cycle perspective, to use recycled gravel for road gravelling.