Dredged sediments are produced due to dredging work to restore aquatic ecosystems or increase water levels for navigation. The extracted material needs proper disposal. Its use for beneficial purposes (e.g. construction and agriculture) is a convenient solution. This study aimed to review the suitability to recover nutrients from dredged sediments by using them as plant-growing substrates or soil conditioners. Plants need many essential nutrients for growth, and dredged sediments could be a source of these elements. Studies have shown that dredged sediments have a clear positive effect on crop plants, especially for those that grow in mixed soil (sediments with soil). Moreover, the sediments provided available forms of nutrients to the soil. When presenting the idea of using dredged sediments in the cultivation of various food crops, it is necessary to confront the problems of potential contamination with metals. Those can affect human health and the ecosystem because of their possible accumulation in crops and spreading insoils. Therefore, it was addressed to find appropriate treatments for sediments before using them to recover nutrients. Potential methods to handle metal-polluted sediments are phytoremediation, co-composting and physical, chemical and thermal methods.