Purpose. Two experiments were conducted to examine the effects of (1) child victims’emotional expression during testimony and (2) the camera perspective used to recordthe testimony, on judgements of credibility.Methods. Law students (N = 155 in Experiment 1; N = 86 in Experiment 2) watched achild harassment complainant provide a statement in an emotional or neutral manner,presented using different camera perspectives: balanced focus (i.e., a shot portraying anequal focus on the child complainant and the interviewer) versus picture-in-picture (PiP; i.e.,a shot portraying only the child with an inset window depicting both the child and theinterviewer in the corner of the screen) in Experiment 1 and PiP versus child focus (i.e., ashot depicting only the child) in Experiment 2.Results. Although no effect was found for camera perspective, the results providesupport for an emotional victim effect (EVE); the child was perceived as more credible andtruthful when communicating the statement in an emotional (vs. neutral) manner.Moreover, the results provide corroborating evidence for the assumption that the EVErests on both cognitive (expectancy confirmation) and affective (compassion) mecha-nisms.Conclusions. These findings extend previous research by showing that the EVE and itsunderlying mechanisms apply to judgements of child complainants in the context ofnon-sexual crimes and appear to be robust against variations of camera perspectives.Legal implications are discussed.