”Med bataljonens intåg i öknen kom också civilisationen”: En undersökning om den svenska FN-truppen efter Oktoberkriget. Dess åsikter om lokalbefolkningen, lokalkultur och hur åsikterna präglades av ett orientalistiskt synsätt
2022 (Swedish)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE credits
Student thesisAlternative title
”When the battalion got to the desert so did civilization” : A study of the Swedish UN-troop after the October war and its views on the local population, the local cultures and how it was characterized by orientalism (English)
Abstract [en]
This master thesis examines the Swedish part of the UN-operation after the October war, UNEF II, and how they portrait the local cultures and ethnic groups, both belligerent and the civilian population. The thesis uses two battalion newspapers. Sandpappret which was published ones a month between November 1973 and December 1979 and Ökenkuriren which was published semi-daily between November 27th 1978 and June 18th 1979. The thesis also uses two books written by participants of the operation, Eld upphör! By Hallqvist and Ökenvägen by Agrell.
The thesis reaches the conclusion that both newspapers and books use a very orientalistic language and while positive comments do exist, like comments about the mysterious and wise orient, negative comments are more prevalent. This applies to both the belligerent and the civilian population. The books are more negative, and can be more negative, because they do not have a UN led editorial staff and the UN rules to think about. The arab culture is a lot more prevalent in the texts than the culture in Israel. The culture in Israel does not get the same orientalistic treatment as the arab culture. Time does not seem to affect the opinions shown neither does most big events. The only big event that seems to have a lasting effect on the written opinions are when the buffer zone was extended and a lot of bedouins suddenly found themselves in the Swedish part of the zone.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2022. , p. 91
Keywords [sv]
Orientalism, FN, Förenta Nationerna, Sinai, Egypten, Israel, Oktoberkriget, Yom kippur-kriget, Jom kippur- kriget, ramadankriget
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-116208OAI: oai:DiVA.org:lnu-116208DiVA, id: diva2:1694304
Subject / course
Educational program
Cultural Sciences, Master Programme, 120 credits
2022-09-092022-09-082022-09-09Bibliographically approved