The question about digital transformation is no longer if but how, and the public sector is noexception. Within Swedish municipalities, work is underway to secure welfare and efficiencywithin the organization and its inhabitants. Research shows that successful digitaltransformation is challenging and that the digital transformation within the public sector is abit behind. Several municipalities in Sweden have chosen to implement a maturity model tocreate higher readability and increase digital initiatives’ success.By conducting interviews with participants from five Swedish municipalities, which all haveused or are using the digital maturity model DiMiOS, this study focuses on gaining anunderstanding of how a maturity model is affecting the digital transformation in amunicipality. The factors the participants think are crucial to succeeding with the digitaltransformation and how well this corresponds with the model.Moreover, data was collected from literature. The data from the interviews were thematicallyanalyzed and divided into five themes. The themes enabled a comparison of the data from theinterviews. The result from the data were then discussed and a conclusion was formulated.The research shows that the model is helpful when communicating digital transformation,making decision-making about digital transformation, and understanding and insights on whatto do and how to do it when to increase digital maturity. However, the maturity measurementshave not yet shown tremendous results on the organizations’ maturity levels.