The connection between a poor working environment and mental illness is illustrated through research and statistics. Therefore, this essay will examine what the regulation says regarding the psychosocial work environment. Furthermore, the essay will focus on regional environment representatives who work for the working environment and employees well-being in small companies. Which is the majority of all businesses in Sweden today. Therefore, four interviews will be conducted using the qualitative method to examine their role and impact for the psychosocial work environment and their challenge in implementing the regulation. Also what the regulation says about regional environment representatives. Which legal dogmatic method will be used to get an answer to that purpose.
Based on the legislation and the interviews, the essay has come to the conclusion that there is a lack of competence regarding the psychosocial work environment among employers who must work systematically withthese issues. This is something the regional environment representatives are trying to implement, but the difficulty may be that the legislation that existsaround the subject is based on the employer's individual views on what he/she considers to be a good working environment. Nevertheless, it can be said that the role of the regional safety representatives has an impact on encouraging and increasing employers' and local safety representatives' knowledge of working with these issues, that will affect the companys work enviroment positively if routines exist to prevent employees suffering from mental illness in the workplace.