Tre profetior, ett träd och ett panteon av gudar: En hermeneutisk analys av hur Mayareligiositet porträtteras i film och serier
2023 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesisAlternative title
Three prophecies, a tree, and a pantheon of gods : A hermeneutic analysis of how Mayan religiosity is portrayed in film and series (English)
Abstract [en]
The purpose of this study is to investigate how Mayareligiosity is portrayed and expressed in visual media in the form of series and films. The study also aims to investigate why Mayareligiosity is portrayed and expressed in that way and to discuss what reasons may be behind this. Based on the study´s purpose, the following questions have been formulated:
1. How is mayareligiosity portrayed in these films and series?
2. Why is mayareligiosity portrayed in this way?
The empirical material for this candidate's thesis consists of three visual media in the form of two films, The Fountain (2006) and Apocalypto (2006), and a series, Maya and the Three (2021). Based on previous research, background and postcolonial theory, the films, and series’ portrayal of Mayareligiosity is presented, analyzed, and discussed. It was possible to find several similarities between the portrayals in the visual media and there were also some differences. A division that was made was based on from what perspective the Mayareligion was portrayed, from the inside or from the outside. Discussion about how the perspective affects the portrayal and what this means followed. The foundations of how and why Mayareligion is portrayed the way it is can be found in post-colonial theorizing. It is based in a colonial history with power relations between colonizers and colonized and power relations around historiography. It is expressed through orientalism, binarism and subaltern groups. The discussion shows how a film industry built on Christian foundations and in Christian contexts leaves traces in films and their actions, partly in post-colonial perspectives.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Keywords [en]
Religion and film, Mayareligion and film, post-colonial theory
Keywords [sv]
Religion och film, Maya, Mayareligion, Mayareligion och film, postkolonial teori
National Category
Religious Studies
URN: urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-120441OAI:, id: diva2:1753223
Subject / course
Religious Studies
Educational program
Teacher Education Programme for Upper Secondary School, 300/330 credits
2023-05-112023-04-262023-05-11Bibliographically approved