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By Any Beat Necessary: Et kulturanalytisk studie af 1000fryd
København Universitet, Denmark.ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9383-9291
2010 (Danish)Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
Abstract [da]

Denne afhandling undersøger et sociokulturelt fællesskabs identitetsprocesser.Indledningsvist har jeg studeret hvordan forskellige epokers kulturpolitiske strategiersiden Kulturministeriets oprettelse i 1961 gennem forskellige formidlingsaktiviteter,har bestræbt sig på at inkludere folkelige fællesskaber i et nationalt, kulturpolitiskkulturbegreb. Det viser sig at forskellige epokers kulturpolitiske strategier reartikulererfolkelige fællesskaber i termer af henholdsvis sub-, socio- og modkultur alt afhængig afhvilket kulturpolitisk perspektiv, der er gældende. Denne erkendelse leder mig videre tilat studere, hvordan et sociokulturelt fællesskab (1000fryd) håndterer de identitetsskiftsom kulturpolitiske strategier initierer. Aktivisternes håndtering af identitetsskift bliver iet givent fællesskab analyseret ud fra en række mikrosociologiske processer, hvor aktivisterneblandt andet bevidstgør sig selv og hinanden og sætter sig selv i stand til at forhandlemening offentligt.Selve undersøgelsen er planlagt og gennemført som et kulturanalytisk studiemed referencer til Norbert Elias’ figurationssociologiske teorier. Kulturanalysen eret tværvidenskabeligt felt, der trækker på traditioner fra blandt andet marxisme, strukturalismeog socialkonstruktivisme og valget af kulturanalysen som udgangspunkt fornærværende afhandling medfører derfor en række teoretiske og metodologiske implikationer.Teoretisk set afviger afhandlingen fra mere traditionelle biblioteks- og informationsvidenskabeligestudiers naturvidenskabelige fundering, hvilket blandt andet giversig udslag i formationstænkning og fokus på engagerende livsprocesser, livsverden,subjekters bevidste og ubevidste praksisser og daglige rutiner. Afhandlingen har såledesikke et samlet teoretisk udgangspunkt, men lader aktivisternes narrative tematikker styrevalget af de forskellige teoretiske perspektiver, der bliver anvendt for at rekonstruere etkulturanalytisk billede af det sociokulturelle fællesskab på 1000fryd.Metodologisk betyder det, at afhandlingen er bygget op omkring etnometodologiskeaktiviteter; feltobservationer, aktiv deltagelse i sociale og kulturelle processerog udarbejdelse af en række narrative interviews. Studiet er bygget op som et casestudieaf kulturhuset ”1000fryd” i Aalborg. 1000fryd har eksisteret i 25 år som alternativtil de etablerede kunst- og kultur(formidlings)institutioner i Aalborg og er en forening,hvis medlemmer identificerer sig selv og hinanden i opposition til det etableredekunstneriske, kulturelle og politiske liv i mainstreamkulturen. Aktivisterne udøver derforen del af deres frivillige virksomhed i 1000fryds regi. Som sådan fremstår kulturhu-set 1000fryd som kulturel og politisk undergrundsscene for Nordjylland. Aktivisterne på1000fryd afholder årligt langt over 200 arrangementer; koncerter, festivaler, happenings,udstillinger, etc. – der alle kommer i stand på baggrund af frivilligt arbejdskraft.Kulturhuset er dertil organiseret ud fra nærdemokratiske principper, hvorfor den enkelteaktivist har forholdsvis stor indflydelse på kulturhusets profil, arrangementskalender,aktivister, etc.Den biblioteks- og informationsvidenskabelige kobling til mit sociokulturellegenstandsfelt finder sted som en interesse for de vidensformer, der er aktive i aktivisterneshåndtering af identitetsskift på 1000fryd. Gennem analyser af aktivisters måderat myndiggøre sig selv og hinanden på, deres forskellige interne og eksterne inklusions-og eksklusionsprocesser og deres pendulering mellem emotionel involvering ogintellektuel distance, studerer jeg hvilke vidensformer, der er aktive i 1000fryds regi oghvordan de anvendes i identifikationsøjemed. Ved at analysere på aktivisternes forhandlingaf mening og sammenhæng i forskellige offentlige og semi-offentlige kontekster ogderes håndtering af senmoderne, kognitive erfaringer og kropslige oplevelser resonererjeg mig frem til at den vidensorganisation, der finder sted på 1000fryd, primært kommeri stand gennem anvendelse af symboler/symbolsystemer, diskurs og nøglescenarier, polariseringerog narrationer. Gennem studiet får jeg desforuden et indblik i, hvilke tematikkerder aktuelt optager aktivisterne og hvordan de forvalter denne optagethed i fællesskab.Afhandlingen bidrager til forskningen i biblioteks- og informationsvidenskabmed ny viden om, hvad der motiverer subjekter til at indgå i sociokulturelle fællesskaber,hvad forskellige former for etikettering og kategorisering har af konsekvenserfor medlemmerne af sådanne folkelige fællesskaber og at medlemmer ikke udelukkendeer udleveret til at efterleve etiketteringer og kategoriseringers stigmatiserende navngivning,men har forskellige muligheder for at opretholde et initiativ. Medlemmerne er selvaktive aktører hvorfor konstruktion af identitet, finder sted i et spændingsfelt melleminterne forhandlinger og eksterne strukturer. Disse resultater indikerer at offentlige kultur(formidlings)institutioner – og især folkebibliotekerne agerer i et spændingsfelt mellemhensynet til subjekternes individuelle autonomi og kollektive forpligtigelser overforsamfundets sammenhængskraft. Denne dualisme genfindes i folkebibliotekernes rollesom henholdsvis en offentlig kultur(formidlings)institution, der er underlagt lokalemyndigheders kontrol, økonomi og regelsæt og samtidig iscenesætter sig selv som civilarena for subjekternes individuelle erfaringsdannelse og mellemmenneskelige interaktion.Disse to roller er ikke altid kompatible. dst men ikke mindst fremstår afhandlingensom et eksempel på hvordan kulturanalyse som tværvidenskabelig teori, kan implementeresi en biblioteks- og informationsvidenskabelig kontekst.

Abstract [en]

This dissertation examines socio-cultural community identity processes.Initially, I have studied how cultural strategies of different eras – since the Ministry ofCulture Affaires was established in 1961 – have endeavoured to include social movementsin a national, mono-cultural concept of culture using various strategies and teachingtools. It appears that different the cultural strategies of different eras rearticulate socialmovements in terms of sub-, socio- and counter-culture, depending on which culturalperspective is valid. This realization has lead me to study how a socio-cultural communityhandles the identity shifts originated by various cultural strategies. The wayidentity shifts are handled by members of a given socio-cultural community is analyzedon the basis of a series of micro-sociological processes in which activists, among others,become conscious of themselves and each other and put them in a position to negotiatemeaning in public.The study is planned and conducted as a cultural analysis study with referenceto Norbert Elias’ sociological theories on social figurations. Cultural analysis is aninterdisciplinary field that draws on different traditions including Marxism, Structuralismand Social Constructivism. The choice of cultural analysis as a starting point forthis dissertation, thus, involves a number of theoretical and methodological implications.Theoretically, the thesis departs from more traditional library and information sciencestudies’ foundation in natural science which among other things is reflected information thinking, focus on engaged life processes and interest in the subjects’ worldlife, their practices as well as everyday routines. The thesis is not based on one, unifiedtheory, but lets the activists’ narrative topics guide the choice of various theoretical approachesused to reconstruct a cultural analytic image of the socio-cultural community.From a methodological point of view, this means that the thesis is builtaround etno-metodological activities, field observations, active participation in socialand cultural processes, and through a series of narrative interviews. The study is conductedas a case felt study of a social movement called “1000fryd” in Aalborg. 1000frydhas existed for 25 years as an alternative to established arts and culture (communication)institutions in Aalborg. 1000fryd is an association whose members identify themselvesand each other as being in opposition to the established artistic, cultural and politicallife in mainstream culture, and therefore they operate under the auspices of 1000-fryd. As such, 1000fryd appears as a cultural and political underground scene in NorthernJutland. The members of 1000fryd host well over two hundred events annually: concerts,festivals, happenings, exhibitions, etc., all of which are based on voluntary labour.1000fryd is organized according to participatory principles meaning that the influence of each activist on the movement’s cultural profile, event calendar, activities, etc. is relativelyhigh.The coupling between library and information science and this socio-culturalobject field is made out of interest for different knowledge forms used by the activistsin their handling of identity shifts at 1000fryd. Through analysis of how the activistsempower themselves and one another, their various internal and external inclusion andexclusion processes and their handling of emotional involvement and intellectual distance,I have studied the forms of knowledge that are active in the 1000fryd organisationand how they are used for identification purposes. By analyzing the activists’ negotiationof meaning and coherence in various public and semi-public contexts and theirhandling of late modern, cognitive and bodily experience, I have concluded that the organizationof knowledge that takes place at 1000fryd is mainly enabled through the useof symbols / symbol systems, discourse and key scenarios, polarization and narratives.Throughout the study, I have gotten a glimpse of the topics that currently preoccupy themembers at 1000fryd and how they administer this joint preoccupation.The dissertation contributes to research in library and information sciencewith new perspectives on the factors that motivate subjects to engage in socio-culturalcommunities, the various effects and consequences labelling and categorization have onthe members of such social movements, and the fact that members are not only surrenderedto comply with labelling and the stigmatizing naming of categorization, buthave different options to maintain an initiative. Members of social movements are activelyco-constructing their socio-cultural identities in a tension field between internaldebates and negotiations and external structures. In addition, the results indicate that artsand cultural (communication) institutions – especially public libraries – are acting in atension field between the interests of individual subject autonomy and collective obligationstowards society’s cohesiveness. This dualism appears in the role of public librariesas public arts and culture (communication) institutions that are subjected to local authoritycontrol, economics and legislation who, at the same time, stage themselves as civilarenas for individual experience, intellectual growth and interpersonal interaction.Those two roles are not always compatible.Last but not least, the thesis appears as an example of how cultural analysisas a scientific theory may be implemented in a library and information scientific context.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Aalborg: Det informationsvidenskabelige akademi , 2010. , p. 439
National Category
Cultural Studies
Research subject
Humanities, Cultural Sociology
URN: urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-120538ISBN: 9788774153153 (print)OAI: oai:DiVA.org:lnu-120538DiVA, id: diva2:1754833
Public defence
2010-11-26, Aalborg, 12:00 (Danish)
Available from: 2023-05-05 Created: 2023-05-04 Last updated: 2023-05-05Bibliographically approved

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