Access to entrepreneurship education in India: A study in both formal and informal ways for youths and young adults to acquire entrepreneurship skills and knowledge.
2023 (English)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [en]
This thesis investigates the accessibility of formal and informal entrepreneurship education for youths and young adults in India. The study uncovers crucial patterns and indications, emphasising the need for accessible and comprehensive entrepreneurship education. It also highlights the limitations and weaknesses of the research, such as potential biases, small sample size, and challenges in online survey methodology. The existing literature in the field is discussed, noting its limitations in methodology, presentation, and argumentation. The research underscores the pressing need for comprehensive entrepreneurship education that bridges the gap between formal and informal channels. It addresses the heavy reliance on formal education, which has left many students and graduates without the necessary skills to combat high youth unemployment. Informal channels play a significant role but suffer from limited access to resources and quality education, leading to a skill gap among young adults. The findings call for blended learning approaches that integrate formal and informal entrepreneurship education, leveraging technological advancements. By adopting a holistic and inclusive approach, India can unlock its vast entrepreneurial potential, promote job creation, and stimulate economic growth. The thesis underscores the importance of critically evaluating the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education despite substantial investments in this area.
In conclusion, enhancing the accessibility of entrepreneurship education for Indian youths and young adults requires addressing barriers, leveraging technology, and fostering a supportive environment. The study acknowledges the limitations and challenges faced in conducting research on this topic but emphasises the significance of striving for high-quality research to inform stakeholders and support the improvement of entrepreneurship in India.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2023. , p. 59
Keywords [en]
Entrepreneurship, youth entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurship learning, access to entrepreneurship education, youth unemployment, India, entrepreneurship in India, youth entrepreneurship in India, Indian youth unemployment, formal entrepreneurship education, informal entrepreneurship education, formal entrepreneurship learning, informal entrepreneurship learning
Keywords [sv]
Entreprenörskap, ungdomsentreprenörskap, entreprenörskapsutbildning, entreprenörskapslärande, tillgång till entreprenörskapsutbildning, ungdomsarbetslöshet, Indien, entreprenörskap i Indien, ungdomsentreprenörskap i Indien, indisk ungdomsarbetslöshet, formell entreprenörskapsutbildning, informell entreprenörskapsutbildning, formellt entreprenörskapslärande, informellt entreprenörskapslärande
National Category
Business Administration
URN: urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-120866OAI:, id: diva2:1758489
Subject / course
Business Administration - Organization Leadership
Educational program
Management and Organization Programme, 180 credits
2023-05-262023-05-232023-05-26Bibliographically approved