The purpose of this interview study is to increase the understanding ofstudents' experience of the studies of criminology in an upper secondaryschool in Sweden based on students' gender. This is explained with the help ofWests C. & Zimmermans D.H. Doing Gender theory. The study aims to coverthe knowledge gap that exists in the field of teaching criminology in uppersecondary schools in Sweden with qualitative methods. The result of the studyshows that the students appreciate the study of criminological theories since itincreases their understanding of criminal behaviors. Students even argue thatworking in smaller groups allows them to explore complex tasks while itexposes them to new perspectives. Students also argue that a lecture by acriminologist or police officer would have been beneficial to expand theirperspective whereas one of the female students find thinks it would beinteresting to include lectures about the female criminality. The male studentsalso attach their interest to criminology studies to their own previousexperiences linked to family members criminal activities and vulnerability todeviant behavior. In class discussions about gender norms and macho culturethe male students admit that are using his words carefully in order not to bemisunderstood while the female students states that they feel anxious aboutwhether her male classmates adopt a defense position which leads them to failtaking the message. Whereas the female students feel more confident todiscuss gender issues with a female teacher the male students argue that theteacher’s personality has a greater importance.