Self-Assessed Lifestyle Habits and Health among Adolescents
2023 (English)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE credits
Student thesis
Sustainable development
SDG 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Abstract [en]
Background: Health, defined by the WHO as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, is important. In adolescents, lifestyle habits such as physical activity, diet, and sleep, have a profound impact on health and are interconnected. These habits among Swedish adolescents vary and could be improved.Aim: The study aims to investigate age- and sex-related differences in self-assessed lifestyle habits and their relation to self-assessed health in Swedish upper secondary school adolescents.
Method: The study included 7535 adolescents, encompassing boys, girls, and those of unknown sex, representing most of the Swedish geography. Self-assessed lifestyle habits and self-assessed health were examined and correlated.
Results: Self-assessed health correlated positively with all variables of self-assessed lifestyle habits. Significant differences were found between boys and girls regarding self-assessed lifestyle habits and self-assessed health, with girls generally reporting lower self-assessed health. Age also significantly influenced self-assessed health and self-assessed lifestyle habits. Irrespective of sex, lifestyle habits showed a negative trend with aging.
Conclusions: Improved self-assessed lifestyle habits correlated positively with better self-assessed health among Swedish upper secondary school adolescents, showing room for improvement, especially among older girls. Future interventions aiming to improve health-related lifestyle habits are necessary.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2023. , p. 44
Keywords [en]
Adolescents, Lifestyle habits, Self-assessed health, Sex differences, Age differences, Physical activity, Sedentary time, Regularity of meals, Diet adherence, Energy balance, Sleep time, Exercise, Swedish upper secondary school students, Health assessment, Correlation, Statistical significance, Self-assessment, Health habits, Health trends in adolescence, Epidemiological study
Keywords [sv]
Ungdomar, Livsstilsvanor, Självskattad hälsa, Könsskillnader, Åldersskillnader, Fysisk aktivitet, Sittande tid, Regelbundenhet av måltider, Kosthållning, Energibalans, Sömntid, Träning, Svenska gymnasieelever, Hälsobedömning, Korrelation, Statistisk signifikans, Självbedömning, Hälsovanor, Hälsotrender i ungdomsåren, Epidemiologisk studie.
National Category
Sport and Fitness Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-121631OAI:, id: diva2:1765556
Subject / course
Sport Science
Educational program
Sport Science, Master Programme, 120 credits
2023-06-122023-06-112023-06-12Bibliographically approved