Research indicates that media reporting, particularly on immigrants, depicts them in a stereotypical image. This image is tied to the type of information and voices used in the stories which contribute to the poor quality of news reporting. A key issue driving these negative portrayals is the manner in which journalists refer to and describe certain groups, and whose perspectives and voices they include in their reporting. This practice within journalism has attracted significant critique. This study explores the potential for adopting a more constructive approach to reporting on immigrants. Utilizing constructive journalism and peace journalism principles as a theoretical framework, and Critical Discourse Analysis as a methodological tool, the article examines how immigrants were covered in the local Swedish newspaper, Barometern, between 2017 and 2021. Results suggest that integrating constructive strategies in stories about immigrants facilitates a more balanced representation.
Financed by: En ifrågasatt demokrati (LNU) (Kalmar, SE)