The project, History and Moral Encounters: exploring theoretical and empirical intersections of historical and moral consciousness from a History didaktik perspective, funded by the Swedish Research Council 2017-2022, was aimed to increase understanding of intersections of historical consciousness and moral consciousness in order to develop new theoretical tools for History teaching and learning that can support education for democratic citizenship. A starting point was that historical consciousness and moral consciousness are intertwined in interpreting and making meaningful the connections between the past, the present, and the future. Prior studies have indicated this is the case, and in the project a set of theoretical and empirical studies were done in Sweden, Finland and Australia, to further theorise and probe the connections empirically. History as a school subject is expected and often also stipulated to address moral questions and values and promote education for democratic citizenship, but the conceptual basis for this has been under-developed. The paper presents some of the key findings of the project and takes the opportunity to discuss further their connection with, and implications for heritage education where moral values and the processing of links between the different layers of time, from the past to the future, are central but often under-theorised questions.