Measuring young citizens appreciation of news-between attention, emotional reactions and pertinent quality assessments: In an ongoing two years study, we examine how young adult citizens appreciate, construe and experience quality of news content in a high choice, hybrid media landscape (Chadwick et al., 2015). With focus on the emotional dimension in relation to the notion of quality in news. Understanding the role of emotions in younger citizens' attention and attitudes to professional journalism is crucial in light of the proliferation of content that incites to anger and other forms of affective responses (Wahl-Jørgensen, 2020). Here, biometric data gathering offer promising possibilities as methodology for journalism scholars. In our study we use a mixed method approach, consisting of digital observation, semi-structured interviews combined with laboratory biometrical methods for measuring attention and emotion of young news consumers which measures autonomic nervous system activity in emotion (Kreibig, 2010).