Murder by Decree (1979). This British-Canadian mystery horror film directed by Bob Clark (1939–2007) is set in the East End during the time of the Jack-the-Ripper murders. The film inserts Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes and John Watson into a story loosely based on the theories regarding the murder proposed by Elwyn Jones and John Lloyd in the BBC series Jack the Ripper (1973) and in the consecutive book The Ripper File (1975), as well as by Stephen Night in Jack the Ripper: The Final Solution (1976). In the opening of the film, Holmes is surprised that the Scotland Yard has not asked for his assistance to solve the murders, and equally puzzled by the fact that working class radicals from the East End do. Holmes’ investigation discovers that highly placed members of the Masonic order have commissioned the murders to shield Crown Prince Albert Victor (1864–1892) from the scandal that would ensue if his pretend marriage to a lowly servant were discovered.