The Nemesis of Neglect” (1888). On 18 September 1888, in the wake of the murders of Mary Ann Nichols and Annie Chapman by Jack the Ripper, The Times published a letter by philanthropist Lord Sidney Godolphin Osborne (1808–1889) that deplored the great social and economic divide that separated the West End from the East End. To Osborne, the murders were a consequence of the great poverty of the East End, and this poverty in turn a result of the people of the West End living lives of luxury. Inspired by this letter, Alice in Wonderland illustrator John Tenniel (1820–1914) drew “The Nemesis of Neglect” for Punch Magazine. The image, published 29 September, shows a semi-transparent specter with a gaping maw, bulging eyes and a large knife in its hand. The illustration was accompanied by a long poem, the last line of which gave it its name.