This article makes an overview of the relation between narratology and intermediality asexemplified by Swedish intermediality scholar Lars Elleström’s approach. In a book from 2019, entitledTransmedial Narration. Narratives and Stories in Different Media, Elleström presents his approach to narra-tology and elaborates the concept of “transmedial narration” on the basis of his earlier theoretical model ofintermedial relations. The search for a concept of narration that should be as simple and flexible as possi-ble, in order for it to be applied to as many media types as possible, leads Elleström to the conclusion thatthe concepts stemming from classical narratology are not suitable in a transmedial context, since they aretoo media specific. Even if I support Elleström’s effort to open up narration to other media types, I find thatFrench scholar Gérard Genette’s detailed narratological model from 1972 can be used as the basic toolwhen analyzing works form other media than literature. This hypothesis is tested in the article in a numberof media types which are increasingly different from literature.