For grocery e-commerce, the operational challenges in the last mile delivery (LMD) strategies and structures are still an issue, especially for local firms delivering perishable product offerings containing local produce. At the local level, the LMD of the local grocery retailer to the customers could potentially allow for a more efficient inbound logistics from local producers to the grocery retailer, if compared to national/international producers, as they are regionally close. However, little is known on how to immerse the operational challenges of LMD grocery products to include not only the retailer and the customer perspective, but also the producer, in a more symbiotic and sustainable local supply chain in rural regions. This paper explores the operational challenges that a local grocery retailer, their local grocery producers, and their customers face with deliveries (outbound or LMD), respectively. By doing this, areas to optimize LMD and their inherent efficiency challenges can be conceptualized at a regional level, with interlinkages between local supply chain actors to indicate a symbiotic and sustainable supply chain. By conducting a case study, the article shows that it is difficult to achieve an efficient LMD to include the inbound logistics at the regional level, given the firms’ (retailer and supplier) contextual boundaries and the customers’ demand. Financial resources are one dimension that prevents symbiotic operational solutions between the retailer and the local producer, and it is unclear if customers are as flexible as they need to be to enable a sustainable supply chain. In addition, the study shows that the creation of a symbiotic and sustainable supply chain at the regional level builds on the tradeoff between LMD and inbound logistics when local producers are included as important actors of LMD. The study also highlights how the local grocery retailer has the relational position in the local supply chain to enable a symbiotic and sustainable supply chain.