The durability of 566 Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) samples was tested during a period of 9 years of exposure to weather in Sweden. The parameters investigated were heartwood/sapwood, origin, surface treatment, end-seal, storage and drying method, annual ring width and density. The weight was measured on 67 occasions during 9 years in order to assess the moisture content of the samples. The mass loss was determined for each sample at the end of the trial. Sapwood had a higher moisture uptake and a higher mass loss compared with heartwood. Even if sapwood was painted with an impermeable paint and then end-sealed, it still had higher average moisture content than heartwood. The results also demonstrated that sapwood was more sensitive to different handling conditions than heartwood. Sapwood was sensitive to air-drying and water storage, which was evident in the higher moisture uptake. In terms of mass loss, some differences were evident but they were not statistically significant due to the large standard deviation of the sapwood samples from water-stored logs. The only positive influence of water storage was on samples end-dipped in oil. One explanation could be that water storage led to increased permeability due to bacterial attack, which in turn enhanced the penetration of the oil. Heartwood had low and stable moisture dynamics during the test period, almost independent of treatment or handling conditions. No correlation with moisture uptake or mass loss was evident among annual ring width, origin or density.